Chapter 1

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Luke's POV

I escaped many screaming girls and managed to make it to the reception desk. "Hi, can I get a hotel room?" I asked politely. The lady smiled at me and typed on her computer when a frown appeared. "I'm so sorry we're completely out of rooms." I stared at the lady and stepped out of the next people in lines way. I stepped into the elevator and leaned my back against the wall, sliding down slowly.

My first year at playlist as a youtuber and I had no place to stay, and I didn't know anyone. I put my head in my hands right as the elevator dinged open and a sandy blonde haired boy walked in. I immediately stood up and tried to hide my blushing face. "Hi I'm Mikey" Mikey said smiling and extending his hand. I shook it and smiled back, "Luke, wait can I stay in your room? There are no rooms left." I said a little to fast. Mikey laughed, "um sure?"

I followed Mikey out of the elevator on the 6th floor. "So are you a youtuber?" I asked. He nodded, "small but I guess big enough to be invited to playlist and you?" He responded. "Actually same. I got mobbed by a bunch of girls right when I walked in, I felt like 2011 Justin Bieber." I stated. Mikey giggled. I loved his giggle. He opened the door and all I saw was one king bed. "I think I got the last room" Mikey said as he noticed me staring at the bed. "Looks like you'll have to share a bed with me, you better not be a loud snorer!" I warned as we both laughed. I dropped my stuff off on the bed and we decided to go out and look around.

Right when we stepped into the lobby about 5 girls came up to us. "Hi! Your Mikey Murphy and your Luke Korns right?" One of the girls asked. Me and Mikey looked at each other at the same time, "Last I checked." I said. They all laughed as we took pictures and signed posters. The mob kept getting bigger and bigger when eventually the same receptionist that didn't get me a room kicked us out of the lobby.

The girls followed us as me and Mikey ran away from all of them to a food place. "Well are you hungry?" I asked, smiling out of breath. Mikey nodded as we sat down and found a table. "So tell me something that not a lot of people know about you." I spoke as the waitress left with our drink order. "Um I'm kind of shy.. actually I'm really surprised I even introduced myself to you. You just seemed really nice and friendly.. I also never eat breakfast and I haven't eaten it for like 10 years." Mikey said as he sipped his Pepsi. "Impressive" I smirked. "How about you something not a lot of people know?" Mikey asked. "Well.. I was home schooled for most of my life and I never really interacted with many people or had very many friends." I said as I looked down at my lemonade. "Well now you have one and lots of others that would kill to be friends with you." Mikey said reassuringly. I smiled, "you're too sweet". Our feet bumped under the table as the lady brought us our sandwiches. We ate and chatted until we were full. "I've got it plus you are letting a stranger sleep in your room, I could stab you in the middle of the night for all you know." I said, winking at Mikey as I handed my card to the waitress. "Thanks" he said. I couldn't tell if Mikey blushed or if it was the lighting but when we got out of the restaurant it was getting dark.

We got back to our room and Mikey turned on the TV. The room was dark but that faint glow of the TV screen. I watched as Mikey stripped down to his boxers, his abs shining through his skin. My breath hitched as I watched everything in slow motion. I forced myself to turn away from Mikey and I pulled off my shirt and then pants and jumped into the bed quickly. Mikey laughed as he got in on the other side. I felt myself drift into a sleep when I was interrupted by a loud snore. I snapped my eyes open and silently laughed. I jumped on top of Mikey and pinned him down. He jumped and looked up at me with startled eyes then laughed. "What?" He asked. "You were snoring." I grinned. "Sorry snoring police I'll try my best to control it." He said. As I eyed him and rolled off of him. Falling into a full sleep this time.

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