Birdcage [2]

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After getting out of the shower, and dressing himself. He knocked on the room door hoping to get Clyde's attention.

He waited for a response but none was given.
He knocked again, and loudly declared "I'm ready for dinner Clyde!" He heard foot steps walk down the hallway that stopped on the other side of the door.

"Is my little prince ready?" Clyde called out with a sweet note in his tone.

Tweek hummed "mhmm" trying not to make his headache worse. He heard a small chuckle come from behind the door followed by the familiar rattling of keys. The door slowly opened to reveal Clyde's tall frame with a relaxed smirk on his face "you ready to have dinner?" Clyde asked in his soft low pitched voice. Tweek was tired, and stretched out his hand to grab Clyde's. Clyde blushed at Tweek's sudden willingness.

He grabbed Tweek's delicate hand, and lifted it up to his lips. Tweek blushed "uh C-Clyde??" The brunette was almost in a trance breathing in Tweek's scent. "Dinner?" Tweek whispered bringing Clyde back to reality.

"OH! heh of course" he guided the small blond boy to the kitchen. Tweek silently observed the surroundings of the house. He had never been here before, and the house seemed to be in almost brand new condition.

"I have a question.." Tweek started but got cut off with the sight of food on the table.

There was a box of cinnamon muffins, a box of vanilla doughnuts, and a medium non-fat hazelnut latte from Starbucks.

"Wow this looks yummy, how did you know how I l-like my lattes?" Tweek said as he sat down at the end of the table.

"I give the impression I don't pay attention, and for the most part I don't... but when it's about you I'm all ears."

Tweek grabbed a doughnut out of the box and rushed one into his mouth greedily. "Oh god~ I love these~" he practically moaned. Clyde chuckled "were you that hungry?" Tweek nodded, "I'm so sorry, I'll make sure to keep snacks in your room."

"Are you g-gonna eat?" Tweek asked looking at the taller boy while taking another bite of the donut.

The tall boy walked into the kitchen, and came back with a bag of tacos from some Mexican restaurant called "Taco-bron" Tweek just stared in disappoinment.

"What??" Clyde said defensively "it's never too late for tacos.." he pulled a chair from the side of the table and placed it next to Tweek. The jock sat down and took off his letterman jacket hanging it on the back of the chair, and dug into his food.

Tweek took a sip of the hazelnut latte, and sat there looking at Clyde dig into his tacos. He wondered how much of what he knew about Clyde was real, and how much was false. As they both sat there eating their food, Tweek almost forgot that he was actually being held against his will in some unfamiliar house in who knows where..

He wondered weather he would be able to escape, or if anyone would even be looking for him. He wondered how twisted Clyde really was, or what he was capable of. He took a muffin out of the box and sank his teeth into it.

"What's wrong Tweaker?" Clyde asked noticing Tweek's silence.

"Oh nothing.." Tweek said trying not to start a conflict. "You can ask me anything" the brunette stated grabbing Tweek's hand and rubbing his thumb in a comforting manner.

"I was just wonder a-about this house.." the spaz asked in a whisper.

"Goodness where do I start~ " Clyde smirked "I got it built just for you Tweekie."

The smaller boy felt a knot form in his stomach "you're kidding right?" Clyde chuckled "you look constipated, you good Tweek?"

The blonde boy nodded in response. Tweek's stomach felt like a pit, how did the jock afford it, and just how far did Clyde's obsession go.

"Oh C'mon sweetie relax~" Clyde said placing a hand on Tweek's cheek, and turning it to face him "This house is our kingdom, and you're my king."

Tweek looked away "more like a birdcage.."

The taller boy frowned at Tweek's remark "you say that, but soon this will be our home. This house is where our future together begins, and someday our kids will inherent it."

Tweek anxiety grew every time Clyde spoke like that, he felt fear. Goodness was Clyde really this far gone? He asked himself. He pulled himself together, and finished his latte.

Later that night Clyde showed Tweek the loft which was a small room on the roof of the house.

After relaxing a bit on Clyde's bed, the spaz started to take in his surroundings. The loft had a lot of windows, and a small balcony which faced the garden. The radius of the house was covered by pine trees, probably to keep people from looking in. By the looks of it they were far outside of South Park in the middle of the woods somehow, but Tweek still had no idea where he could be.

This information just made the spaz more stressed..

"Clyde how did you afford this? This house is so big, and the land must've c-cost a fortune.."

The taller boy put his arm around the blond "Don't you worry  your little head about that~" Clyde whispered in a sweet tone "this is just a small way i show you my undying love and loyalty. I had to work hard for it, but it's all worth it for you."

"I understand, but I don't see how working in your dad's store got you this.." Clyde laughed "oh goodness, that's funny!" Tweek frowned "what's s-so funny?" "You don't really think I got this working at my dad's shoe store?? I earned this by myself."

Tweek felt that knot again "oh don't tell me you sell drugs, or something like th-that.."

"Wrong again honey ~" Clyde played with the smaller boy's hair "yeah it's probably better if you don't ask questions.."

After a few hours of cuddling with the spaz, Clyde returned him to his room, and locked him inside.

"Wait CLYDE!" Tweek yelled through the door "yes?" The brunette responded in his characteristic nasal voice "When will you stop locking t-the door?" The jock gave a small laugh "when I'm sure you love me back~"

The small boy could hear Clyde walk back up to the loft. "So that's what it's gonna take huh?" Tweek whispered to himself "my only way out is making him think I love him.."

Birdcage (Tweek x Clyde)Where stories live. Discover now