random kinda depressing shit from my two fucked up Volkinya's

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Trisha bitching about something.
Erik who is obviously drunk- why the hell do you have to be like that?
Erik-You act just like him.... I took you away from that so we couldn't be near that situation.
Trisha- what the hell are you talking about? You're drunk go home.
Erik- you know what im talking about! You act just like dad! You're so bitchy and abusive what the hell Trisha. I took you away so we could avoid being like that!
Trisha- Erik,
Erik- dont fucking 'Erik' me. You know its true. Where the hell did i go wrong with raising you?
Trisha- oh fuck off. You're drunk you dont know what the hell you're talking about.
Erik- i do too know! Its all my fucking fault i should have left with you sooner. You cant keep being like this. Or else you'll end up just like him. You need to change. You are a major bitch.

Well this started on a dark note-
Anywho a Volkinya is a creature i made up. It looks human but there are 3 types. One that can feed off of love, trisha and erik are those, one that can "mind control" or technically take over that person's body and act as that person. And idr the last one. I will update when i remember-

(Honestly i hate trisha so much though, she is a terrible person. Like honestly, go jump off a cliff already. But nooo my dumb butt has to let her actually fuck things up)😤😤

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