Chapter 6

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"Come on Eliza you have to talk to me we are cousins and you won't even give my uncle, your dad a chance" Hope said chasing after Eliza who was walking into the woods to cool off

Eliza turned around "Stop it Hope, just stop every time we are near each other you keep pushing me, I don't want anything to do with Elijah, Hope we are not cousins because he isn't my father and he will never be my father, He left my mother pregnant to take care of YOUR father and fell in love with YOUR mother completely forgetting my mother" Eliza yelled and used her magic to throw Hope across the hall and ran outside 

Hope sighed letting a tear fall from her eyes and ran to her room to call her uncle who had asked her to talk to her and figure out why she hated him other than the obvious

"Yes Hope" Elijah said as he answered her phone

"Uncle Elijah she told me why she hates you and doesn't want you as a father are you sure you want to hear it" Hope said

Elijah froze not sure if he wanted to hear the heartbreaking news but instead he nodded and answered yes to Hope

"Well...(She just copies what Eliza just said since I didn't want to re write what I just wrote)" Hope said to her Uncle who had a few tears running down his face finally realizing his mistake

"Hope it's going to be okay and I am sorry if I compromised your friendship with her" Elijah said 

"No don't be sorry Uncle Elijah, She won't speak to me because I am a Mikaelson and Klaus is my father" Hope said and Elijah nodded

"Well goodbye Hope" Elijah said Hope replied with bye and hung up the phone laying on her bed contemplating on how to get Beth to speak to her 

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