Chapter 1 - Memories Awakened

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Hello readers of wattpad!! This is my first story that I've posted so please comment and tell me what you think! The more comments the more likely I post the second chapter of this story sooner. Sorry but thats the way it is. 

so please read and tell me what you think! :D

Chapter 1. Memories Awakened.

Stars. Bright and shining. Sleepless eyes and sweaty blankets. Frustration had settled in. Tiredness bone deep but too tired to sleep. Rain lashing against glass, like bullets. The wind sounding like a stalker whistling while it stood outside her window. Watching her, almost. Waiting. It did not wait long. Her eyelids had now closed to her foolish satisfaction.

Darkness greeted her. It did not stay long.

Instead the darkness turned into black smoke that blinded her until it disappeared all together. Dread filled her as she found herself staring at the mist covered lawn that was the front garden. Everything around her was grey, bleached out as if all the life had been sucked out of this place long ago. Against her will her body turned to look behind her. She was slightly surprised to find herself not looking at her house but at 'The Big House' that was her childhood home her father had bought after her mother had left. She had never liked it.

Filled with strange, almost disturbing paintings in a desperate attempt to demolish that sterile look the house always had, it was never what you would call 'homey'. The exterior was no exception. It looked like your classic stereotype of a gothic mansion straight out of your favourite horror film. Wide double front doors made out of old oak, blackened by age with huge crumbling stone columns on either side. Big stained glass windows half caked in grime. Gargoyles on the roof that seemed to stare down at you with ruby eyes that glowed if you looked to closely. Yes, it practically reeked a welcome and friendly atmosphere.

She found herself at the door. It was open. She started walking inside. She looked over her shoulder one last time and stared at the end of the garden where the roses that had long since died when her mother left. She turned back around and the door closed.

The scene changed again and she was in the kitchen of 'The Big House' looking out the fogged window, her back to the glass doors that led you into the main hall. She heard struggling behind her, a muffled scream and heavy breathing. Her sister came through the door or should we say dragged through the door by the 'monsters'. She turned around and stared unwilling, almost painfully, as her sister was thrown onto the floor, like so much as a dirty cloth. The monsters laughed all the while staring at her with a hungry, animalistic look in their eyes.

She stepped back. . . . . . . . . . . and slipped . . . . . . . . . on blood - slicked tiles that was her bathroom floor. Cold air hit her face from the open window and she felt tracks running down her face. She had obviously been crying, screaming. She didn't move, didn't feel pain though she knew she should. She knew how she got here, knew why her clothes were blood – stained. Though for some reason she didn't feel the familiar panic or horror as she relived her most horrific memory, her most life altering moments. Instead she watched all this from a kind of numbness, as if she were part of an audience watching a movie. A terrifying glad - that - isn't - me movie. She lay there silently preparing herself, silently praying to wake up.

Darkness greeted her and she welcomed it, revelled in it. She only lay in darkness for a few moments and in those few precious moments the darkness seemed to scream at her to wake up. To get away from what lay ahead. From the scene that waited for her as a predator waited to pounce on its prey. Though she did not wake up. She did no get away. She wasn't allowed to wake up, to save her sanity.

Her nose tingled at the rusty, metallic smell that seemed to fill her nose. Next she felt, very big, very male hands clamp down on her shoulders and grip her hair in a fist. These hands belonged to a monster that God had cruelly blessed him with handsome features, honey coloured hair and 'believe me' eyes. But those eyes had seen thousands of horrors, helped commit unspeakable terror upon innocents. It chilled you down to the core and made you freeze in place and pray you would never have to see something so evil ever again. In the next second she realised that her eyes were closed. She did not remember closing them but she glad that she didn't enter this scene with her eyes open. Then a voice whispered in her ear. A voice that spoke of a thousand nightmares and a thousand screams.

"Don't cry, sweet baby", the voice crooned as if speaking to an agitated kitten. "Your sister just wants to talk to you. She’s very upset your ignoring her", it said almost mockingly. " Go on, little innocent, open your eyes and tell your sister goodbye". The hand gripping her hair suddenly tightened and pulled so hard she thought he was going to rip it from her scalp. Her head was forced upwards and her eyes opened from the pain. The panic had set in. It turned out the numbness that had replaced her feelings since the start of this memory was gone. The only barrier between her and her emotions had crumbled or at least disappeared. So she stared helplessly in silent horror at the mangled corpse-like form that lay on the ground. Fingers twitched and a sort of gurgled scream emanated from the body.

It was not dead.

She screamed and started to struggle against the restraining hands holding her in place. She had to run, to get away from the......the thing on the floor. She couldn't face seeing her sisters death once again. Not again. But she couldn't get away. Instead she felt her body being pushed forward until her toes brushed against the shredded clothes. She gazed down at her older sister. Her bright gold hair, turned coppery, tangled and matted from blood. Her normally beautiful legs, bruised and streaked red twisted at an unnatural angle, broken. She looked like a discarded doll thrown aside to go in the rubbish.

One of the other monsters pulled her sisters hair, her throat exposed, vulnerable. She thought for an instant he was going to break her neck but he took out a shiny little knife and held it at her sisters throat. She closed her eyes. A warm spray washed over her, the liquid got into her mouth and she tasted metal. She opened her eyes but she couldn't see for they were too blurred either from tears or blood she didn't know. All she did was scream until it was the only sound in the world, the only sound she knew.

Later on as she lay on the kitchen floor, naked and cold she finally felt her mind crack and seep out. Sanity slithered away, as slippery as an eel. Twisted, slimy darkness lay in its place. So there she sat, staring blindly at the the dead body beside her, and sang her big sister, Mary, to sleep.

Eyes opened she stared at the ceiling, drenched in cold sweat that ran in rivers down her body. The rain had quieted down until she could barely hear it. She turned and saw it was only two o'clock in the morning. She still had the rest of the night to go. To replay that scene over and over and over and over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and over again.

She turned on her side and stared out the window, waiting for dawn to lighten the skies. There was no wind.


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