🔞She Saved Me; I Will Save Her🔞

Start from the beginning

Sasuke was extremely thankful that he wasn't too late to save her.

The lights on her car and his illuminated them as they sat there for several minutes; her small body still trembling due to the cold and her sadness. Sakura was crying now and Sasuke allowed her the time that she needed to do so as he chose to simply hold her close to him; silently offering her both his comfort and support... because he knew that she needed to release some of her pent-up emotions... otherwise, she would more than likely only keep spiraling into the pits of darkness that came along with this kind of pain and despair.

Much in the same way that he had... for Sasuke had been in the same boat as Sakura at one time and had been ready to end it all...

... ready to end his existence...

... that is until he met her.

She had changed his life; she had saved him (even if she didn't know it) ...and now it was his turn to return the favor. To help save her.

He swallowed slowly before allowing his hand to run the length of her spine; hoping to sooth away some of the pain with his gentle touch. He had to get Sakura talking... she needed to express her emotions and let them go otherwise she wouldn't get any better. "Sakura... why did you want to do this?"

"Because... b-because it fucking hurts. It h-hurts so damn much, Sasuke..." Sakura grasped onto the fabric of his shirt; her small knuckles turning white against the dark material and the teenager fought back his own emotions as he continued to rub his large palm up and down the full length of her back; his other arm coming to wrap around her more tightly as Sasuke pulled her closer to his muscular chest.

"What does... (he knew) what hurts, Sakura?"

"E-everything does. I just can't take it anymore and I don't know what else to do. I feel... lost..."

Sasuke placed his cheek against the top of her head and closed his black eyes tightly. "Talk to me then, Sakura. I can help you if you just let me in."

"H-how? How c-can you help m-me?" Sakura nuzzled his chest and he heard the deep intake of breath that she pulled into her deprived lungs. She seemed to be taking comfort in his presence and that was a step in the right direction. He just needed to convince her; but how—

"Because... I'm a good listener and I..."

"It doesn't matter," Sakura shrieked suddenly as she attempted to shove at his chest; but Sasuke didn't move away and he didn't release his hold on her. "Nobody cares about me, Sasuke! Not really. They only pretend to and then they go behind my back and say all of those hurtful and mean things. Why should I even bother living anymore!?! It's not like anyone would miss me anyway if I was gone!"

Sasuke's chiseled jaw ticked with his irritation at the same time that his muscles tensed and his dark eyes narrowed slightly as her words began to sink in. "That's not true," the male practically growled.

"Yes, it..."

"NO, IT'S NOT!" His voice rose several octaves as he brought her face up with the tips of his fingers so that Sakura was forced to look at him; directly in the eyes. "That's not true! There are plenty of people out there who care about you! There are plenty of people that would miss you terribly if something was to happen to you!" Her gaze was defiant as she glared at him; attempting to pull away from him, but his hold was too strong... she was no match for his strength or determination.

"Like who," she questioned; almost mockingly so. He knew this attitude of hers was most likely just part of Sakura's defense mechanism... all of it stemming from her highly emotional state. He ignored her attempts to flee his grasp and only held her tighter.

'I have to make Sakura see the truth...'

"You're mother for one, and all of your friends. Plus... me." On the last one, his voice wavered as thick emotion forced his throat to close tightly; making it extra hard for him to swallow, let alone breath.

"Ha, that's really funny, Sasuke," Sakura snorted as she rolled her green eyes at his statement; unaware or unwilling to see the truth behind his words. "You don't really care about me. I know better now. So, you don't have to keep pretending all of the time..."

"I'm not pretending, Sakura." His gaze hardened as he held her; watching her expression with an intensity (the likes of which) he had never used on her before. Her eyes slowly softened and then widened as she finally registered what it was that he was trying to get at. His dark irises moved to her throat and he watched her visibly swallow.

"How... h-how do I know that for sure?"

"Because I fucking love you; you crazy woman," he half-breathed, half-yelled at her and felt her body tense as she froze in his arms. She stared at him with a look of utter shock and disbelief.

"You... y-you love... me?"

Sasuke's dark orbs softened drastically while his arms loosened their tight hold; his hand coming up so that his fingertips could brush against the soft flesh of her chilled cheek gently. He silently begged her to understand him, as he looked at her with an earnest countenance. The only thing he could think of to respond to her with, was—


She worried the fabric of his shirt between her fingers and but her bottom lip anxiously. "B-but still, I..."

"Please Sakura," the young teen swallowed; his voice filled with dire intent. "Please, don't do this. Don't... don't kill yourself. I... I wouldn't be able to handle it if I lost you."


"Come. Come home with me, Sakura. Let's make some warm tea and anko dumplings with some umeboshi and we can sit down and talk. We can talk about things, maybe work it out between just the two of us if you want and if you decide that you don't feel like talking about it, then that's fine too. Just please... I'm begging you to come home with me. It's where you belong; not buried six feet under." There was a hidden meaning behind his words that he hoped she would pick up on.

'Live Sakura. Just live.'

He wanted her to live. Live for him... and live for her. But would she choose to or would she...?

"Sasuke I...," she bit her bottom lip harder as she contemplated his words; her emotions becoming more balanced as she slowly calmed down. Her mind was clearing and she was beginning to see the error in her previous decision to end her life; she truly didn't want to die; she just hadn't seen any other way. But Sasuke, he was showing her that there was another path to take; and Sakura wanted to take it... with him—

"Please, Sakura." Sasuke's voice was calm and soothing; pulling her into him like a moth drawn to a flame.

First it was seconds...

... and then minutes that passed.

Sakura glanced up at Sasuke after making her decision and when their eyes met once again... it was as if time around them stood still. Her heart was racing and her blood was practically pounded in her eardrums.

'I... I can't say no to him. I... I can't do this and leave him. Because deep down... I know that I love him too. I always have... and I always will. I want to live... I don't want to die.'

"...Okay," she finally breathed out and let a soft smile pull at her lips as fresh, hot tears began to streak down her cheeks.

Sasuke's returned smile was the brightest she had ever seen it; it was brighter than any sunlight that she had ever seen. He helped her to her feet and grasped her hands within both of his; their soft gazes still locked as he pressed his forehead against hers.


They would make it through this tragic moment... together; and be better off for it.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now