9. unexpected news

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i was abruptly woken up by someone pulling my off of the bed by my feet; i looked over to see who it was just to see two-bit pulling me while soda stood at the door laughing.

y/n: "ponyyyy!" i yelled hoping it would wake him up even though he's quite the heavy sleeper. to my surprise, it worked.

ponyboy: "h-huh?" he questioned as he turned over. he couldn't help himself but smirk as he watched twobit holding my feet and drag me out of the room.
"hold on y/n, i'm coming!" he said jumping out of bed.

pony came to a halt when soda blocked the doorway.

pony: "oh cmon soda, let me go help her. now move!"

soda: "alright, i'm just playin with ya kid. go get your girl now." he said, smirking as pony went to help me.

two dropped my feet and right as pony was about to reach out to me, but darry had picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

pony: "alright cmon now, what're yall doing to her. leave her alone."

steve: "awe look at him getting all defensive for his girl."

pony: "oh shut your trap steve." he said as he rolled him eyes. i just plainly giggled.

darry put me down and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

darry: "there's breakfast in the kitchen if y'all want it."

y/n: "ok thanks bear. (i've started calling him this because i heard someone call him dare bear, which he didn't like, so i call him bear now.) and hey, can i use yalls phone to call my mom, just to make sure she knows i'm alright?"

darry: "of course y/n!" he said smiling down at me.

i dialed my home phone number and my sister picked up.

caroline: "hello?"

y/n: "oh hey caroline, it's y/n"

caroline: "hey girl, haven't heard from you in a while. you ever gonna come home?" she sarcastically said, laughing through the line.

y/n: "oh shut your trap. i'll be home tonight; tell mom for me, i love you."

caroline: "haha i will, love you too (your nickname)."

i hung up the line and got some breakfast. darry made eggs, toast, bacon and grits.
boy was it mouthwatering.

soda came from his room, dressed for the day, and grabbed a few pieces of bacon from my plate and shoved them in his mouth.

y/n: "hey! what was that for?"

soda looked back at me with a grin and food in his mouth, then winked. i shook my head, grinning, because even though he had no clue what was about to happen, everyone else in the room did.

the house then filled a bunch of "ooooh's".

dallas: "boy you better run before she beats your ass!"

soda eyes then filled with fear, still having the bacon in his mouth. he ran to the living room where everyone was, but i jumped up from the table and caught him before he had the chance to jolt out the door.

i tackled him to the ground while everyone was cheering me on.

soda: "UNCLE!" he said, barely managing to get it out.

i let go of him and stuck my hand out to help him off the ground with a grin of triumph on my face.

soda: "well, lesson learned, never take y/n's bacon." he said giving two thumbs up and a fake smile.

after we had gotten ready darry called us into the kitchen.

darry: "ok guys. i'm sorry i didn't tell y'all, but-" two-bit cut him off

two: "YOU FINALLY HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!" he raised his hands and everyone laughed. well, everyone except darry.

darry: "no two bit. but, this is something you're gonna love better than that. a rumble tonight with the socs. seven o'clock sharp."

everyone cheered and got all hyped up. we loved us a good grease vs. soc rumble, and i was so ready for one. i haven't had one in a while, come to think of it.

darry: "now y/n,"
oh geez, i thought.
"are you sure you want to fight tonight considering your condition?"

y/n: "yes darry. i'm pretty much healed by now. i'll take on a small guy too." i have him a look of reassurance.

darry: "ok fine. but you holler for me if you need any help. and split as soon as the fuzz show, okay?"

y/n: "i will." i said, smiling. i had always loved how much darry cared for me. it was sweet.

i may have forgot to mention, darry is amazing at calming me down, and i actually have a great relationship with him. he always hums me my favorite song, or gives me back rubs and piggyback rides. he even sings and dances with me.

that's what i love about bear. most people think he's strict most of the time, but i think he has a big soft spot.

A/N: sorry this is so very short, but i wanted to get a little something in today. i promise i'll write more next chapter! i also had no clue what to put for the chapter title, butttt, how do y'all think the rumble's gonna go down?

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