Chapter 2

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We all eleven people are always together. We have all our classes our lunch everything together  we have a grate unity. Now about the people in the group yaa everyone's dating accept me. Beth is dating Nick, Shasha is dating Patric,  Rena dating Dale, Sara dating Jaime, Karol and Ray are dating Jim and  Casey of different grade..

So these are my small little family at the school. 

"Aari Aari, what the hell are you thinking? Don't tell me you din't listen to a single word I said" Beth shouting at me, "Don't day dream again or else I will slap you. Now forget it we are getting late for our gymnastic class Come on you lazy bum get up or we will be standing outside the class everyone long gone."

We ran to the class coz i never want to be late to my gymnastic class I love this class a lot this is one of my favorite class. But others hate it which is all because of our teacher Mr. Davidson. He is one of the strict teachers in our school, NO ONE MESSES WITH HIM. Not even his fellow colleagues messes with him. While work out he removes the shit out of students. Few parents also complained about him.   But Nothing happened.

Getting in the gym after changing Mr Davidson gave us drill to do we started our work out in partner of two my partner was Karol. She hated this class not only because of Mr Davidson but also because of work out kind of stuff. She was a total girlish in this kind of situation. She cant even pick up 5kg of weight. Oh boy because of her nail hurt.

"Karol can you please pass on the weights, I will do it you count  after 20 your turn, ok" I said .

"Aari today i have put some different shade of nail color. And my fourth nail has got a crack. You do it I will count" Karol looking at her nails.

Shasha shouted toward Karol "Mr. Davidson now Karol will show how to do this drill properly to the     class... "

Karol giving Shasha a killer look. "You don't teach me Miss Shasha what should I do and what not. And you Miss Karol can you show me how this drill is done " Mr Davidson shout.

"Yes Yes sir why not " Karol took the weights hurriedly and started doing it . OMG she took 10 kg of weight all by her hand without thinking of her nails. Everyone started laughing and Ray clicked a picture of it. 

After class Ray to Dale "I told you know, she will pick up those weights without thinking of her nails. Now I won the bet you owe me 2 $." 

Karol came rushing "You two dork you betted on me. How dare you.. You know at least my nail din't broke or you two would have seen dust till now. Now give me that Pic " they both played snatching game and Ray win."I am going to post it on facebook .. it will be fully of surprise comments ..ITS GOING TO BE FUN.." Ray jolted.  

"I told you so" Shasha said to Karol.

"You told her??, I was going to give you 1$, why did you told her?? " Ray said to Shasha.

"But I wanted 2$, you lose" Shasha took 2$ from Dale. And went to Patric's arm and kissed him.

Patric looked up and said "Dude don't underestimate her" to Ray..

And Ray made funny faces to her....

And one day passed ......

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