Chapter One - Prey

Start from the beginning

He chuckled. "Y/N, you are exactly what we need, my dear. Here-" he pulled out a manila folder and slid it across the desk to you- "is your patient's folder. Dani can show you around."

Dani just so happened to be the receptionist with the perfect smile from earlier. She was friendly, but she always walked like she was in a rush, and you assumed she probably was most of the time. Her gold earrings swung from side to side as she gained distance on you, even in stilettos and a pencil skirt, and you had to speed-walk to keep up.

"So, what's it like working here?" you began enthusiastically, making small talk.

"It's great for the most part. Sometimes a few of the patients get a little riled up, but it's never too much of a problem," she replied, animatedly talking with her hands. You waved at a few of the nurses as Dani led you past the staff break room.

"Do you mind if I read my patient's file as we walk?"

"If you can," she teased, earning a laugh from you, but she slowed her pace until you were both going the same speed. "Dr. Abel told us about how promising you were, and I bet he's right. I mean, I'm twenty-seven and I'm working the desk. You're..." she paused, waiting for your response.


"Twenty-four and a psychiatrist. You have to be pretty promising to do that."

"Oh, thank you, but I only passed the exam to get my license a few weeks ago," you laughed modestly, not used to the praise. You didn't talk to many people about your career, not even Andie. Not that he really asked. It was true that you were one of the youngest in your field, but it also meant that you were inexperienced. "When I was in college, all I thought about was being hired at a place like this."

"Congratulations, then," Dani said, but you didn't notice. You had more on your plate than you expected for your first real patient, and you were starting to doubt if you could live up to Dr. Monroe's expectations.

Your worries were eased a little when you saw you had your own personal white coat, embroidered with your name in black, hanging in your locker. Maybe it was childish, but you instantly felt more confident when you put it on. You swallowed your anxiety down as you stepped into the elevator with Dani. She pressed the '3' button, making it light up a dim orange.

On the third floor, there were two wings: the infirmary and the patients' rooms. In the center, there was a shared space, but you saw that it was empty. The same white covered the halls, and you noticed that there were bars bolted onto the windows, a stark contrast from the bright sunlight that flooded the entire floor. When Dani stopped at room 206 and fingered through her lanyard of keys, you realized that the charmingly mint-green doors were actually reinforced steel.

"Are you ready to meet your patient?" Dani asked, a little less perky than before.

You nodded excitedly and clutched your folder to your chest. Dani unlocked the door, almost struggling to pull it open. To your surprise, there was another room, all white, of course, and completely bare besides a clothes hanger on one wall and a restraint mask on a hook. Another steel door was set into the far wall, completely identical to the last apart from a small double-paned window and a keypad above the handle. Dani made her way over to the second door and showed you the code as she entered it. She didn't press enter, though, and quickly stepped away.

"The key for this door is in your file, if you ever forget. I'll wait out here," she said quietly. You thanked her and entered the next room. You suddenly felt a cushiony material under your feet and looked down to find that the floor, walls, and ceiling were padded. A frail man, who you assumed to be your patient, was sitting by the bed, which was the only piece of furniture. His platinum blonde hair was hopelessly tangled and fell in thin tufts over his eyes, the strands on the nape of his neck just barely brushing against the collar of his straitjacket. As the door closed behind you with a click, he lifted his gaze to meet yours, his striking icy-blue eyes studying you.

"Hi, Ocean, I hope I didn't startle you. I'm Y/N, your new doctor," you said, giving him your best smile.

He didn't react and kept his stare focused on you. Now that you could see his entire face, he looked innocent- angelic, even.

You slowly sat down where you stood, not wanting to get too close without his consent. "I thought we should get to know each other, seeing as we'll be spending some time together."

He remained silent, and you were beginning to worry that he already didn't like you.

"I know I'm probably a bit younger than your other doctors, but-"

"Other doctors," he repeated, catching you off-guard. His voice was deeper than you thought, and husky, like he hadn't spoken in a while. "Are you like the other doctors?"

"I'd like to think I'm not, since they seemed to have resigned," you answered softly. He stood up, towering over you, and moved towards you cautiously, like a predator towards prey.

"You're a liar," he growled. "You're all the same."

Before you even knew what was happening, your head collided with the wall.

ANIMAL | a yandere!mental patient x doctor!readerWhere stories live. Discover now