Inuyasha meets Kikyo

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Kagome sat thinking. The fire crackled in front of her. Shippo, Miroku and Sango were sleeping peacefully. Inuyasha, as usual, was sleeping up right. 

I wonder if telling them about me liking Sesshomaru was the right thing to do she thought. Slowly she feel asleep.


((I thought it might be fun to do an Inuyasha view, so here it is))


I sat there thinking about Kagome's tale. Several times i took a peep at her sleeping face. 

She likes Sesshomaru, that was all i can think about. Not me, but him. My half-brother.

A familiar scent hit me. Kikyo's scent. She's near. 

I look up, and saw Kikyo off in the distance, her soul collectors surrounding her. 

I gave a small gasp as memories of our past came flowing through me. I slowly got up, using the tree for support. 



Kagome woke up and saw Inuyasha standing, and saying Kikyo's name. She look to where he is staring and indeed there she is~Kikyo. 


I didnt notice that Kagome's awake. My eyes were focused on Kikyo. And i could tell that she can see me too. Our eyes locked. And just like that, we stared at each other for a long time. 

I took a clumbsy step towards her, and she did the same. 

She rush forwards and i open my arms, welcoming her. 

Her body crashed into mine. 

This scent of hers. It's so relaxing. Then it hit me, "Kikyo," i mumbles,"you heard Kagome-" i didnt get to finish. 

Kikyo nodded, "yes"

I frowned.

"Is it true, that she's your backup choice?" she asks. I can hear the eagerness in her voice.

I gave a faint smile, i dont know how to answer that one. "I-I'm not sure"

"How can you not be sure?"

I shrugs.

She put a hand over my heart, "the answer, its in here" she says softly. Practically whispering.

I smiled, "in english please?"

She chuckled, "the answer is in your heart"

I smiles and close my eyes, i thought back to the times i've been with Kagome. She warmed my heart, and i learned how to trust. She's been with me through hard times, and through sad times. I like her. 

My eyes open in a flash. 

That was so random. That thought.

I blinked several times, trying to clear my mind. I can feel Kikyo looking at me, giving me a weird look. 

My tilted my head down a bit, my silver bands covering my eyes. "I-I"

Kikyo laughs, "Dont say i dont know. Your face says that you definitely know"

"I like her" my voice barely a whisper. 


"Im in love with her" my voice louder this time.

"But she liked Sesshomaru!"

"Dosent matter who she likes. like her." i gave her a small smile, "And that, is whats important. "


Kagome blinked, she couldnt believe what she heard. Inuyasha? In love with meShe thought. She laid back on her sleeping bag silently. 


Kikyo growled deep in her throat. She looks into my eyes, "If you continue to like her, all you will get back is pain"

I shrugged.

She pushes out of my grasp. 

"She likes Sesshomaru, not you. So forget about her. She will never like you" and with that she turn on her heels and trudge back to the forest. Her soul collecters following her loyally. 

That last sentence stuck to me. She will never like me. Well, lets see about that. I smirked and sat back underneath the tree and  fell into a light sleep.

A Love Twist: an Inuyasha fan fiction {On Hold}Where stories live. Discover now