Chapter 4

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Run for Cover


(Ana's POV)

I opened my eyes, hearing the sound of crying.

Eri was in the other room, but it wasn't her who was hurt.

It was a baby's cries, a shrill wail coming from outside my window.

I padded over to the window, seeing nothing but the trees in the moonlight.

A cold shiver went through my body; little hairs rising on my neck.

The crying stopped, and suddenly I found myself somewhere else.

A lake in the moonlight.

Not a soul in sight.

There was a calmness to it, but also a coldness.

And evil in the night.

A dead soul's feeling of anger and cold.

As soon as thought, the lake ran red, the lake's reflection rippling with blood.


With all things past, all days gone, there is nowhere to go, nothing left to do. There is nothing left, even time itself feels slow, barely moving, unable.

And even with nothing left, all things gone, time still moves.

Time is the all powerful. The only thing above time is space. The emptiness that will be there even after time is gone.

Even after a timekeeper is gone, time will still move on. Timekeepers come and go, but time stays still after.

Maybe even after space is gone, time will still be. But it will not be known to me because after space is gone, I will be gone.

A timekeeper no more.


A loud crash actually woke me. I was laying next to Eri in my wolf form.

A huge crack was in the wall.

'What happened?' I asked Aiden through our mind link.

He groaned, a trickle of blood coming from his mouth.

I padded over to him, licking off his face, and sitting on my haunches. Waiting, I looked at him expectantly.

"We must have crashed." He murmured.

'Against what? We're like a hundred feet underground!' I yelled.

He clutched his head, my yelling only heard by him.

'Sorry.' I muttered, walking back over to Eri.

She was asleep, unhurt by all of the wolf fur surrounding her. 

"We need to go to Avalon." Aiden said.

'To stay?' I asked.

'There's nothing left for any of us here. Send a note to Nick. He can come too.'

I nodded. Changing and walking over to a bag. 

I took out a piece of paper, scribbling a note to Nick, and then attached it to Aia's bird, who gratefully flew through the crack and back the way we came.


We woke everyone up, hurrying them out of the crack as the boys began to dig a way around the box so that we could continue on foot down the tunnel.

The pack was tired. We were worn out and sleepless.

Eri looked very confused. She was tired and upset.

It was only then did I realize that she's never been away from the cabin before. The place where she was born and grew up in. She'd feel lost without me. And my conflicting thoughts about what she sees is not going to help her.

I walked over to her and Kate, taking Eri's hand.

"It's going to be okay. I promise."

She nodded, a tear sliding down from her cheek.

"Your a princess, you know." Kate said, looking down at Eri.

I smiled and nodded at Eri's newly excited face.

"I'll tell you the story." Kate went on.


End Chapter 4

The Wolves Book 2: Song of the WolvesWhere stories live. Discover now