Checking his watch again, Joe was pleasantly surprised to see that twenty five minutes, had only turned into twenty minutes as he brushed his teeth and plugged his hairdryer into a socket in the wall, thankful that the plugs where the three-holed British kind rather than the European two and that he didn't have to take some time in remembering which draw he had placed his trusty adapter into.

After a further 15 minutes or so of drying, styling, suiting, and booting Joe was just about ready to go. Applying a fresh coat of cologne upon his skin and straightening the bowtie he had clipped around his neck, Joe found himself breathing a sigh of relief as he placed a pair of black-rimmed, circular glasses onto his face. He had five minutes to make his way up to the restaurant and sit himself down on the reserved seat much to the irritation of the staff. After all, a reservation booked to start at half nine when most are finishing up their food at that time was enough to irritate anyone who worked there, knowing it would be several extra hours of work before they could retire for the night. But if it meant Joe could get to know the woman who did nothing but intrigue him a little bit more, than it was the price they had to pay. Letting out another satisfied breath as he ran a hand through his styled hair, Joe nodded once. A small, almost cringe-worthy action which reassured him that he was ready for the night ahead. And with one final check that he had everything he could possibly need, he was out the door, along the corridor, and up a set of stairs towards the refinement of the restaurant.

"Evening sir, do you have a reservation?" Questioned an older gentleman wearing a well fitted, yet equally well worn black suit which mirrored that of the singers who was doing up a button on his jacket in nervous anticipation.

"Yes, under the name Sugg." Joe answered as he peered through the set of double doors which opened out into the restaurant, the walls draped in dark red curtains on either side, with a bar at one end, and a large window which acted as the end wall looking out over the back of the ship, showing the dimmed lighting of the closed off decking and the sea stretching out behind them, the distant glint of city lights from the mainland in the distance providing a sense of security. Yet what Joe was able to notice most prominently was the lack of the woman who he was destined to impress sat at the table he had reserved specifically for tonight. A sight which weirdly, he was glad to see - comforted by the knowledge that he hadn't been late or kept her waiting.

"Excellent. Now Mr Sugg I believe there should be two of you dining this evening." The older gentleman with streams of silver hair brushed sideways over a poorly covered up bald spot suggested, noting to the lack of another person.

"Yep, she should be here in a second. Bright red hair, tanned skin, smile to die for... you can't miss her." Joe replied with a wide smile, his body beginning to bounce slightly with excitement. A sentiment which was clearly not appreciated by the older, refined man who let out a heavy breath as he looked down at the brunette.

"Very well, when she arrives I'll let her straight in for you."

"Thank you." Joe mused with a nod of his head as he ran his hands down the front of his jacket, an action which was either to straighten out the fabric, or remove the layer of sweat from his palms.

After a moment of looking up at the man at the door with a sense of confusion, one which was returned with a look of distain, Joe found himself watching the man raise his arm in a gesture for him to wonder inside. Only to follow him through into the gentle hum of the restaurant, with the smell of good food and privilege hitting him in the face. A clear sense of not belonging seeming to overthrow him as he was ushered to a table for two in the back of the restaurant next to the large window, where he sat down on one of the two chairs and waited patiently for the redhead to arrive. Thankful that the older man had returned to his post over by the door, allowing the brunette to feel at least a little less judged than he did before as he sat there, nervously bopping his foot up and down underneath the pristine white of a cloaked table cloth.

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