Prologue: The Tragedy Before The Tragedy

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For the past few months, Walter White and Monokuma have been dating each other. They met each other at the school that Walter White was a teacher at. Monokuma became a teacher at that school a few months ago and ever since they both met each other, they both immediately fell for each other. All was going well until one faithful night when they were both walking out of a McDonalds after they each ordered the Travis Scott Fortnite Burger.
"Hey, Walter." Monokuma said while eating the Travis Scott Fortnite Burger.
"What is it?" Walter replied.
"I don't know how to phrase this but I'm breaking up with you" Monokuma said.
Walter laughed. "You sure got a good sense of humour."
"Walt, I'm serious." Monokuma said. "I can't be with you anymore."
Walter was feeling an array of emotions from sadness to anger.
"So, was this relationship of ours meaningless to you." Walter said
"No it wasn't at all." Monokuma said. "Just let me explain."
Walter White took a deep breath and was ready to hear what Monokuma had to say.
"I have a new job at Hope's Peak Academy. I must take over the school and start a killing game to cause never ending despair to everyone in the world. I must leave my previous job and move forward to do this."
"Then take me with you!" Walter said. "I don't want to leave you!"
"Walter, you'll get hurt." Monokuma said. "I don't want to risk losing you."
"So what do you want me to do?" Walter said
"Move on." Monokuma said. "There's many salmon out there in this sea called life. I know you can find someone better then me."
Walter was both sad and furious. He immediately threw what's left of his Travis Scott Fortnite Burger on the floor.
"Fine then!" He yelled as he went to his car and drove off back to his house. When he got there, he started to cry. He cried for 2.45 minutes until he realised that he has to move on from Monokuma and move forward but this isn't going to be the last time he sees Monokuma.

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