Introduction, I guess...

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Greetings everyone. I'm Sunny. Well that's not my real name but it is my nickname. Okay, it sounds a lot like my real name but no one really calls me Sunny, except for my best friend. That's one of the reasons why it's so special to me. Another reason why I go by the name Sunny is because, well the song. Sunny Mystery. When I found out that there was a song by a-ha called Sunny Mystery, it was like an epiphany and I just knew, my nickname was meant to be Sunny. Excuse me for being overdramatic but when something's gotta do with a-ha, I get carried away. So anyway, about a-ha.

I've always known the song, Take On Me. I just knew it ever since I was a kid, my dad would play it with a bunch of other songs from the 80s whenever we went on vacation. Yes, sadly I'm not an 80s kid but, hey I'm still an a-ha fan. So anyway, I always knew take on me. I remember hearing it on the radio when I was about 12 after going to dinner with my family. I remember saying, "Oh wow! How does this guy sing so high?" I asked my parents. My dad told me that it was by a Norwegian group called a-ha. "Oh yes! Morten! A-ha." My mom said jumping up 🤦🏻‍♀️ (but I get it). "a-ha. That's a weird name but okay." My little sister said. "Did this guy also have something wrong with his teeth like Freddie Mercury. Is that why he can hit those high notes?" I asked my mom, (I regret asking that.) "No gosh no! I don't know, probably. I can't remember really." My mom defended...sorta. She wasn't a big fan. After that I kinda forgot about the song. :/

It was around the early quarantine days where I rediscovered it. April to be precise. And I remember that day really clearly so here we go. It was around the early quarantine days, but not lockdown. I was in my room finishing up an essay type answer for business studies and I got distracted by my own thoughts, daydreaming. I was thinking,

it's been a long time since we've been on vacation. I miss those days where we would listen to really old catchy songs in the jeep and go for long drives. Maybe I should download some old songs just for the nostalgia.

I was thinking of what songs I should download and thought of a few but then I started tapping my pen against my table. The beat I tapped was a very familiar tempo. Fast, upbeat and pumped up. Then it hit me.

Oh wait! That's that song with that super cool riff and with that guy who sings the high notes. Take on me? Maybe I should start with that.

Then I remembered one time on the radio, the broadcaster said that Take On Me had a phenomenal music video. So I went on YouTube and checked it out.

*searches "take on me" on YouTube. Sees thumbnail.*

Oh nice. It's in 4K. It better be good. 

*opening beat*

Oh I miss this song. That beat gives me chills. Oh this is cool. A comic book vibe. 


How have I forgotten about this track? This sounds so catchy. Oh nice artwork. This is pretty good for the 80s. So it's a race. That's interesting. 

*café scene. Bunty flips the pages in the comic book*

Oh I love this aesthetic. She's so pretty. Her haircut looks so cute. Like a messier princess Diana haircut. She has pretty eyes. Oh this song. Darn it I forgot how good this song was. Oh the comic just moved. Oh whatever it's a music video. 

*she turns the page*

Wow that's a really nice sketch. This guy looks really good too. Just saying. Oop. He just winked. Why is this playing up my butterflies in my stomach? Wow his voice is really low in the beginning. He must have a really big vocal range. 

*his hand pops from the comic book*

Wow this animation seems really nice. Especially to be done in the 80s. This is just brilliant. Wow. This is so awesome. She has pretty hands. Is it weird that I noticed?

*she goes into the comic book. They hold hands and walk.*

Aww there's so much cute chemistry between the two of them. She's so short compared to him. This is so adorable. He's so charming. I bet she's really blushing in real life. Who wouldn't?

*the frame scene. "Say after me, It's no better to be safe than sorry"*

Wow. That's really cool. Damn he's hot. Gosh Sunny. Get over it. Oh my, how does it seem like he's flirting even though it's just a music video? How is it so authentic? Even she's got the feels for him. Look at her shyly blushing. Could you blame her?

*Mags plays keyboards and Pål plays the guitar.*

There's another guy. Ah so he's the one with the keyboards. He should get more screen time too. He's kinda cute. With his curly hair and all. And not gonna lie, pretty hot. I love his hair. Oh a blondie! Aww he has a cute smile XD. Woah these guys are really good looking. 

*the bad guys run after the two. Dead end. Morten makes an opening for Bunty to go to the real world.*

Oh this riff! Is to die for! My head is just jumping to this upbeat riff. Oh wait the interlude, that's interesting. Oh my- there's a lot of squiggly lines. Wow this guy is really hot. Gosh, imagine how much it cost to make this one video. Curly blonde is really hot too btw. So is the one playing the guitar. He's so cute. The main guy, wow! Just wow! Oh darn it, dead end. Ai!! What?! Why the fuck is the bad guy threatening them? What's with the pipe wrench? You lost the race dumbass! Deal with it! Why do you have to kill these two lovebirds? They are so cute! And this guy's hair is so nice. Damn he's so hot. *internally slaps myself* get a hold of yourself Sunny. Ooo the blondie guitarist. He's pretty darn cute too. Gosh. Sunny. Shut up. 

*she goes home and flips the pages through the comic. Pipe wrench at Morten. Bunty sheds a tear.*

Oh no. What happened!? Is he dead? Please tell me no. Don't die, you can't sacrifice yourself while you look that good and sing that good. I mean his voice is so angelic. Oh wait! He's alive and he's in the real world! Yes fight your way out of the comic book! No is he in pain!? Bring the other two too with you. Oy vey! He's struggling to get out! He's in pain! Why on earth would anyone let someone this beautiful go through this pain.

*smashes on the wall. Takes jacket off. Falls and stumbles across the wall.*

Ai this is painful to watch. But why is it weirdly hot? He's so hot my gosh. Stop it Sunny. He's in pain trying to get the girl. Don't think like this. Empathize with him. But is it weird that this scene is also really hot. Stop it. Just stop Sunny. 

*he made it. Bunty smiles. He rises back up. She walks towards him. Comic book end scene.*

Woah she's really pretty. Her makeup is really well done even though her hair is messy, in a pretty way. She has beautiful eyes. Oh my- the guy! Wow he sweats a lot. He's got amazing eyes. And has a great jawline. You've always had a thing for guys with good jawlines and CHEEKBONES! Oy vey! He's really hot. She's really pretty. Wait what, it's the end?! That can't be the end. I wanna know what happens to them. I don't want it to end. I wanna know if they end up dating and getting married and having kids and grand kids and then growing old together. Please tell me they do. :'(

That's when I fell in love with it. Take On Me by a-ha. After watching the video I just thought what a good song and video that was. Probably the best I've heard and seen. I mean that animation! That riff! That vocal range! And those three hotties! And wow the song's got some really good synths goin on. You gotta admit.

I remembered that I had a friend who liked a lot of old music. One time he had posted on his story, "stayin' alive" by the BeeGees. I replied to it and was completely bewildered because have never met anyone who had the same "peculiar" music taste of my generation. So I suggested Take On Me to him. And to this day, that is his favorite song. And it's my favorite too. When it comes to picking my second favorite, well that becomes a bit of a complication, cause I am really undecided with some other songs (a-ha songs)... next update will be about that... "my second favorite song of all time"

till then a-ha fans...

tusen takk og jeg elsker deg 

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