Chapter 8: 104th disbanded and graduation

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We were still continuing to do some training to kill some titans, either doing some more hand to hand, or were just being sociable trying to make some friends, there are some great times or weird times to be socialble, well for most of us at least, I was very sociable and made some friends, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Reiner, Bertolt, and Marco, also I had an adopted sister, Christa Lenz, now we were all gathered for our graduation today and to see who has the highest honors and the top graduates in the city of Trost district

Instructor: DO YOU HAVE HEART?!

Cadets: *salutes* Sir!!!

Instructor: As of this moment you have three options open to you! Choose wisely! The garrison regiment! Whose job is to reinforce the walls! The scout regiment! Who rides out into titan country to take back what was once ours! And The MP regiment! Maintaining law and order from his royal majesty! Those cadets eligible for thr MP have already been named, the rest of you take a look! These are the top of your class!

This time, I quickly rose up from the cadets who were graduated with honors in the top 11
1. Y/n
2. Mikasa
3. Bertolt
4. Reiner
5. Annie
6. Eren
7. Jean
8. Marco
9. Sasha
10. Connie
11. Christa

Me: Yeah! We finally made it! Now is the time for humanity to strike back! Titans, you're all going down!!

Inside the mess hall

All of us are still in our military uniforms after the graduation, many people said to me that training sucks or either is hell for them but for me I'm confident on becoming a soldier like Eren, I was in the mess hall with a couple of our friends, Sasha then spoke to me

Sasha: Hey Y/n. Nice to see you're on the top 10!

Me: Heh, thanks Sasha

Connie: Well it looks like you're on fire on training dude!

Jean: I see that you made it to the top 11 Y/n, you're top 1 of the class, impressive

Me: Well, if things are getting worse I used those skills of mine, I'm self taught by the way

Sasha: Self taught? Wow

Connie: Never knew you're self taught Y/n

Just then, Thomas asked Eren about what regiment will he join

Thomas: You joining the scout regiment?

Eren: Yeah. I am

Thomas: Come on its amazing in the interior

Eren: I mean my bet is the scout regiment, also Y/n too

I then went to Eren and the others, just then, Eren spoke out loud in the mess hall

Eren: Do you think its right to just sit in the interior?! Do you think those titans are gonna consume us?! No! We are trained for this one! And let all the death and destruction be meaningless?!?!

All of the cadets including me were shocked at what he said, just then he felt bad and ran outside the mess hall, we then followed him outside the mess hall

We then saw Eren who was sitting on the stairs

Armin: That was quite the speech you gave back there, remeber when you want to go to the outside world?

Eren: Yeah... I remember that.

Armin: I'm joining the scouts

Eren: What?! Come on! You're good at academics

Armin: I'd just rather died than becoming a burden

Me: Guess I'm with you guys

Mikasa: Me too

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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