Ch. 5 "Big Brother"

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                                           Dylan POV 

My eyelids slowly flutter open, I looked around I'm in a unfamiliar room, I looked around, this isn't the room Liv and Luke put me in, 

I clutched onto my bunny, I got out of bed, 

I walked over to the door but the door handled started to turn, I backed up until my back hit the wall, 

I see Kai walk into the room, 

"Well it's about time you wake up," He said 

"Kai?" I said tilting my head, 

"So you remember my name," He said putting his hand over his heart, 

"I'm touched," He said 

"Where are we, Where is Liv and Luke?" I asked 

"Now is that any way to greet your big brother?" He said 

"W-What do you mean?" I asked 

"So they didn't tell you, oh boy how do I put this," He said walking towards me, 

"You see before there was you, there was me, also a siphon, and our di- dummy of a father treated me like an abomination shunning me from the other kids yada, yada, yada," He said 

So kind of like me but I wasn't allowed out of the basement, I thought 

"But the point is I'm your big brother and I understand," He said 

"Understand what?" I said batting my eyelashes at him 

"The siphoning not being able to control it, being treated like a monster, tell me did he keep you from the other kids, just because of what you can do?" Kai said kneeling in front of me, 

"Actually he kept me in the basement," I mumbled not looking at him, 

It was silent, 

I looked up at him, 

He looked stunned, 

"What a as- a jerk," Kai said 

"Come on I made breakfast, we've got some catching up to do," He said taking my little hand with his big hand gently 

While I held my bunny with the other hand, 

                                           Liv POV 

We went to wake Dylan this morning and she wasn't anywhere to be found, we tried to do a locator spell, and it wouldn't work, 

"Maybe it was dad you know how he can be," I said 

Tyler and some of the others were here to as I paced back and forth, 

"No he wouldn't do a sneak attack, that's not his style" Luke said 

"It had to be Kai then," Jo said 

"What would Kai want with a three year old?" Stefan said 

"She's four and because she's just like him, a siphon," I said 

"We need to find her," Luke said 

I nodded walking out with Luke to try and Find Dylan the traditional way, I thought 

Vampire Diaries, Little SiphonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora