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The past few months living with George had been nothing but adventures and fun for Sapnap and George. Having another person in the house made it seem more welcoming and exciting. Their lives had become more than just playing Minecraft all day; George, Dream, and Sapnap were going out everyday together exploring the outside world more than ever. Everyday there was a new opportunity, and none of them realized that coming together would bring them this much joy. They were just 3 adults who had wild adventures during the day, and peacefully streamed on twitch playing Minecraft at night. 

With the time that had past Dream's feeling for George had grown so much, yet they had never labeled themselves as a couple. The sleepless nights in Dream's room together, and the make out sessions were just childish fun, but labeling themselves felt too official. 

Dream knew he loved George. He knew it since the second day George came to America. But he never wanted to say those words out loud. He was scared to dive so deep into a relationship, he feared he could never get out. Once again Dream's intrusive thought were stopping him from seeing the hard truth. The truth was that he was in love like never before. 

For the majority of George's life he had stuffed his emotions down deeper than to the bottom of the ocean. Admitting that he loved Dream wouldn't feel right, and he didn't want to say it if he didn't truly mean it. George didn't want to see Dream as just a summer lover, but at the moment that's all he was; That's all Dream could be at the moment. George wasn't sure how they were going to continue their relationship. It seemed so steady, but with so much room to grow. 

Sapnap had grown used to seeing Dream and George flirt with each other. They never admitted to liking each other which confused him, but they were an easy target to make fun of. Any chance Sapnap got to mess with them, he would. Even if Dream would eye George a certain way, Sapnap went out of his way to act like they were a madly in love married couple. He found it hilarious the way the two acted together, and Sapnap enjoyed sharing a home with Dream and George. 

As dawn turned to morning Dream rolled over to see George sleeping peacefully next to him. George spent most nights in Dream's bed, and Sapnap got used to it after a certain amount of time. Dream hugged George wrapping his body around him creating a spoon effect. He tried not to wake George in his trance as he got comfortable with him. George, now barely conscious, looked over his shoulder to see Dream smiling. George rubbed his eyes and giggled. 

"Well good morning, Dream." George said with a raspy quiet voice.

"Good morning." Dream said with a warm smile. He rolled out of bed and opened the blinds to let in the Summer light. Birds were chirping and the dew on the window was already disappearing. Dream pulled a shirt over his head and left the room leaving George to peacefully sleep in. 

"Hey good morning, Dream." Sapnap said sitting down at the kitchen table. 

"Morning." Dream replied grabbing the carton of eggs out of the fridge. 

"So how did my two little princesses sleep?"

"Shut the fuck up, Sapanp." Dream snapped. "We're not dating or anything. It's not like that."

"Oh I never said you two were dating." Sapnap said. "I just think you two should be dating. That's all."

"I'm done with you." Dream said with a grin. Deep down he knew how much he like George, but would never admit it; Especially not to Sapnap. 

The morning passed slowly as Sapnap and Dream sat around waiting for George to get out of bed. They ate breakfast and scrolled through Instagram until boredom got the best of the two.

"Okay where the hell is George?" Dream said looking over at Sapanp.

Sapnap chuckled. "Don't ask me. I'm pretty sure you were the last to see him."

Dream rolled his eyes and stood up. "I'll go wake him up. It's already 10." 

"Ya and if you don't come back in the next 5 minutes, I'll come looking for the both of you." Sapnap teased.

Dream walked to the bedroom and opened the door only to see George wide awake on the phone with someone. 

"Holy shit!" George yelled. This got Dream's attention. He stood in the door way listening to the conversation and George simply ignored his presence. George didn't seem the slightest bit happy. He looked in a panic as if something had gone terribly wrong. "Fuck. Okay I have no idea what to do." George said as he listened to the person at the other end of the line. 

"George what's wrong?" Dream whispered. George completely ignored him waving him away with his hand. 

"Okay. It's settled then." George said as his tone got more serious. "I'll fly home." 

Dream gasped loudly without meaning to. His stomach dropped to the floor and his mind felt fuzzy. He didn't even know how long George was leaving for, but Dream didn't want him to go. George hung up and slammed his phone down. He stormed out of the room brushing Dream's shoulder in the process. 

"George what's wrong?" Dream said loudly following George back into the kitchen. Sapnap, now clueless, popped his head up in curiosity. 

"George, dude, what's up?" Sapnap said with concern. He put his phone down to listen to George.

"I have to fly home." George said looking down. There was clearly more to the story than he wasn't telling. He avoided eye contact with Sapnap and Dream and continued saying, "But I don't know when I'll be back. It could be months, or a year maybe."

Sapnap's eyes widened, and Dream felt sick to his stomach. Dream's legs lost feelings and he fell into a chair. 

"Why? Why do you have to leave?" Sapnap said raising his voice. 

The air felt thin and George was racking his brain trying do figure out what to say. "It's my mother." He said with glossy eyes. "She's not well." 

Dream's sadness turned to sympathy and he looked up at George. "What do you mean?"

"It means I have to go home. My mother lives alone and there's not much I can do for her when I'm 4,000 miles away, Dream." George said in a harsh tone. None of the boys were happy about this situation in any way at all.

"Okay." Sapnap said with a heavy heart. "When do you leave?" 

"Three days." George sighed. "I'm leaving in three days." He wanted to cry, but not in front of his friends. Their was a heavy vibe in the room, and it felt as if someone had punched Dream in the gut. 

George stood up and left the room without speaking. Instead of going back to Dream's bedroom, he went into the room he originally shared with Sapnap to start packing his things. Three days wasn't a lot of time to put your whole life in America into a suitcase. His tears dampened his clothes as he took everything that was his out of he drawer. When George first came to America, he was ready to make new memories. As he packed everything away, each piece of clothing had an old memory he could carry on forever. He laughed as he put away the red T-shirt that Dream teased him about for looking like a stop sign everywhere. George almost teared up again when he pulled out a bright green sweatshirt with a long smiley face. It was Dream's old hoodie that was given to George on a cold Winter night. 

George relived every good moment he had with his friends in his mind. Leaving America was leaving all of the good times behind. It hurt for George to realize that the good old days had passed, and time was running out. 

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