Chapter 7

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"Why won't you tell me who you're calling?" I whined. "I want to know!"

He laughed at my childish protests. "You haven't met her yet. I think you'll like her." Oh no. Every time someone says 'I think you'll like her', it never pans out. This had 'disaster' written all over it in bright, bold letters.

We were able to safely make it back to the TARDIS and fly away to safety. We emerged from the TARDIS in front of a large building.

"Oh. You're just taking me to the hospital. You really made it sound like you were going to carry me to some crazy medicine man on Mars or something like that." I said. "This isn't just any hospital." he said with a smirk.

"Let's get you in there. By the looks of it, you're going to need some serious medical attention." He proceeded to help me walk into the large building, as I was still battered and bruised from the incident.

The Doctor walked up to the front desk and said to the receptionist in a firm voice, "I'm looking for Dr. Martha Jones. It is extremely critical that I speak to her as soon as humanly possible. If you could tell her that the Doctor is here to see her, I would very much appreciate it."

The receptionist took one look at me and said, "Okay, I'll call her down. She'll be with you shortly."

I winced as I sat down in one of the waiting room chairs. Everything still had a general painful feeling, so any motion just fanned the flame. the Doctor saw my obvious pain and looked at me with a genuinely worried look on his face.

"Everything is going to be okay. It's all going to be fine. I promise you." he said as he took my hand. "Dr. Jones will know what to do."

"What will I know how to do?" a voice said from behind us. We both turned around, and the woman who must have been Dr. Jones gasped.

"Doctor? Is it really you?" she asked, sounding flabbergasted that the Doctor was standing in front of her. She ran to the Doctor and hugged him. "Doctor! It's really you!"

"Martha, I'm not here for a visit." I watched all of the excitement drain from her eyes. She let go of him. "Then why are you here?"

"I'm here because of Cicily here." He gestured to me. "She had a bad fall. Well, it was actually a push, but that doesn't matter. She was hurt badly, and then she was kidnapped. She luckily escaped her kidnapper before he could harm her any further." I nodded slightly, but even that slight movement made me wince at the wrenching pain.

"We need to get her looked at. I'll get her in a room. This doesn't look good." She started talking to me. "It'll be okay, sweetheart." I simply responded with, "So I've been told."

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