"Of course not" Beau breathed. He lowered his gaze down to the messy, hay covered floors of the barn. "But if you did... I'd get it" Lukas quickly glanced around to make sure nobody was looking. Not trusting himself, he grabbed onto Beau's hand and pulled him toward the hay room. A room with stacks of hay that were just shy of the ceiling.

Beau had always been fond of the smell. He had often spent his nights reading in here to get some peace and quiet. He liked how enclosed and secure it was... If only he knew what kind of memories it would hold.

Lukas placed another slow kiss on Beau's lips. For a moment, Beau swore his heart stopped. He had been too surprised to notice last night, but Lukas was a good kisser. He was gentle and took things slow. His lips were soft like feathers and his hands lingered at Beau's waist. His fingers ran in reassuring circles and just their touch alone drove Beau mad.

Beau kissed him back without any hesitation. His hands ran up Lukas's chest and up into his hair. That was where the two were different. Lukas was a chaste kisser. He liked things simple, warm, and loving. And as much as Beau enjoyed that, he had always craved something a bit more exciting. But he wasn't going to ask that of Lukas... He wasn't ready.

Lukas and Beau would occasionally break away to catch their breath, before pressing another kiss on the other's lips. After seventeen years of knowing one another, and only God knew how many years of wanting one another, they finally had each other. And neither of them wanted to ruin it... It was all just a dream come true.

Lukas pressed one last peck to Beau's lips before resting his forehead against his with a wide smile. Beau felt lightheaded and fuzzy. He never wanted to pull away. He never wanted to let go... He didn't want to spend a single day pretending anymore. And he didn't have to. Because Lukas was his forever.

"You know I've always loved that pretty smile" Lukas mumbled as he ran his thumb across Beau's bottom lip. Beau closed his eyes for a moment to savor this feeling. He wanted to remember this moment... He wanted to remember what Lukas's breath felt like against his skin. How electrifying his touch was and how natural he felt in his arms.

"I've waited forever to do that" Beau admitted as his eyes fluttered open. A pearl-like smile broke onto Lukas's face. He placed one last kiss on Beau's forehead before pulling away.

"Me too..." Lukas chuckled. "Come on, I promised my dad I'd pick up Zip's medication and you're coming with me"

"Why would I do that?" Beau asked. His eyebrows furrowed together as he watched the pretty blonde walk toward the exit of the hay room.

"Because Ronda's started selling dairy-free ice cream and I think you'd like it" Lukas sent him a teasing wink making Beau smile. Beau was lactose intolerant. Usually, if he went to Ronda's with his friends he just got a cupcake, or sometimes Ronda made him homemade popsicles if she had extra time. Not to mention that Beau's mother only used dairy-free products as well.

But Lukas had always felt a bit bad for leaving Beau out. Usually, Beau would find a small pint of lactose-free ice cream waiting in his freezer after those days. It had always given Beau what he believed to be false hope... He couldn't believe he had spent so long thinking that it was impossible for Lukas to feel the same when the signs were so obvious.

"That sounds amazing" Beau gushed as he rushed to follow Lukas to his truck. The familiar old and beat-up pickup truck that Lukas had gotten for his sixteenth birthday was familiar. It was a dark blue and always smelt of stale mint since Lukas always chewed gum when he drove. He claimed it helped him focus.

Beau pulled the passenger door open and quickly climbed into the seat. He adjusted the seatbelt and instantly began going through the old cassettes Lukas kept. The weight of the truck shifted as Lukas climbed into the driver seat and extended a pack of mint gum to Beau.

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