The Piglin in question came rushing out of the room, smoothing out her stained outfit to seem at least a little more sightly to whomever was requesting her.

What she wasn't expecting was the sight of a good friend.

Her eyes widened as she froze, hands coming up to cover her mouth as she let out a happy shout- her arms were wrapped around your frame in seconds, embracing you in a warmth.

"(Y/n), (Y/n), (Y/n)! Dear lass you have no idea how much I missed you!" She cheered as she let go of you, eyes twinkling with delight.

"I can say the same Clara, I quite missed the Nether in my short time away." As you spoke, Clara's smile somehow got wider, the Piglin pulling you over to the kitchen to talk.

Unlike the short conversation with Adrian, Clara held you there for hours, an endless talk about your shared adventures and stories.

It almost felt like home.

««-------- ≪ °◇◆◇° ≫ --------»»

Nightmares terrorized you throughout the night, forbidding you any sleep during the quiet hours. Whispers of a language you had never heard of echoed in your mind- turning your friends into nothing more than the earth you walked upon. Images of Phil and Ranboo being cornered by Wither skeletons kept you awake, twisting your stomach into knots as their wounds from the dark blades ate away at them, leaving them into nothing but piles of ash.

Their screams were silent, yet their echos rang in your ears even after you woke.

It was the nightmares that lead you to wander the castle in hopes to calm yourself. Dressed in a pristine white nightgown, you walked barefoot around the carpeted halls, letting your eyes scan the scattered paintings along the walls. There weren't many, but anything that could take your mind off of the images of your friends helplessness would do.

You had only hoped it wasn't a sign from whatever god placed you here.

You found your way to the library, where Technoblade's familiar figure sat comfortably in his chair. His back was turned to you, but you could see his mask was taken off and placed on the table in front of him.

"I take it you cannot sleep again?" Your voice was gentle as to not startle the king, stepping into the corner of his vision. His attention turned away from the book and to you, a gentle smile on his face as he sighed.

"Most nights I cannot, so I gave up, and took the time to do something I enjoy instead." He gestured to the book in his hand, half the pages already turned to the other side. He patted the seat next to him, red eyes waiting for you.

You didn't hesitate to sit, already closer to him than the past few nights before. It was strange how different he was compared to the first times you had met. Techno had seemed so uptight and uninterested on the Overworld, hesitantly walking while towering over the small humans of the Overworld. Now, sitting next to him while he looked so venerable, you could see that despite having the title of a King, he was someone with normal interests too. You were so focused on your thoughts, that his next question made you leap back into reality.

"What has you up so late tonight? And in such light attire might I add."

Looking down, you blushed as you remembered that you were only in your thin white dress. It went down to your ankles thankfully, and the sleeves fell to your hands, however the neck dipped down far to your chest due to you not buttoning it up. Looking to Technoblade, you could tell he was avoiding looking at you to be polite, but it didn't help stop your face from flushing; hands quickly finding the buttons and closing the fabric to your collar.

"Nightmares kept me awake, I fear for my friends life back in the Overworld crawling with Wither skeletons." You paused, Phil and Ranboo's faces flashing in your mind, warm smiles distorting into calls of pain. "Their calls for me echo in my ears if I close my eyes, so I took it upon myself to wander the halls until the rest awaken, and the day starts once more."

Technoblade listened to your every word, his hands sliding to the top of the book and folding the page; bookmarking it for later. Placing it down on the table, he turned all his attention towards your worries.

"If it helps you (y/n)....I can send someone out to look for them, and bring them back here under my protection." His offer made your heart soar, a happiness spreading over your features in an instant.

"Technoblade, would you really do that? For a thief that tried to steal from your own pocket?" You teased, leaning back into the chair while giving him a knowing smirk. Your comment caused him to chuckle, his hand finding his crown and taking it off his head.

"I'd rather say you're a friend than a thief to me..."

"And to me, you are a dear friend rather than a king."

It was like casting away your titles for something more real, unlocking a path that was once never there. A warmth spread in your heart as you locked eyes, a mutual understanding shared between the two of you.

"Thank you Techno...not just for this, but for everything." Your words were sincere, and you hoped he could see that.

It was as if leaving those titles of king, thief, any differences between you had left, allowing nothing but a calm and lovely atmosphere around the two of you.

"I'd like to thank you actually." He whispered.

"What for?"

"For just being the way you are."

His words caused a stir of emotions in your chest, face heating up in the moment. Who knew that this king, a title for war and blood, could be so well with words?

"You should become a writer." You said, hand reaching out to take his own. He was hesitant, but allowed you to guide his hands into yours. You traced the small scars on his pink skin, each one coming from a battle he had fought. To think that these calloused hands belonged to one of the most tender people you met.

The memory of him defending himself from the angry wolves flashed in your mind, his glowing eyes and hesitance to hurt the animals that were only trying to survive. It made you wonder, if you hadn't stopped the wolves, would he have given up too?

"You have a way with words, and I'm sure you have lots of stories you could share with the rest of the world." Turning his hand to look at his palm, your fingers traced the callouses he gained from years of battle. To imagine him wielding a sword, the power held behind a calm controlled rage- that was the way you imagined him fighting.

Technoblade made no move to remove his hand, but instead had soft gaze on your figure, admiring the way you were so comfortable with him. It made him ponder why you hadn't run away, avoided him at every turn with the things he has done to you.

"I always wanted to try writing one, I had a couple of pages written before. However, the voices in my head spoke of how it showed my weakness- so I burned it, erased that story so no one could see it." He retracted his hand from you gently, placing his mask on and standing up again.

"What voices, Techno?" You asked, hurt that he was leaving so soon. He had chased the echoes of screams from your ears so easily, helping you find comfort in his presence.

"I think you should rest, (y/n), we have another meeting tomorrow."

As he walked away, you sat on the seat, hand placed where he once sat. It was still warm, and you clung to it as if it would chase the nightmares away.

"Rest well, Technoblade."

You didn't see, but before he left, his red eyes found your figure once more- A regretful sigh leaving his lips as he left to reside in his chambers for another restless night.

««-------- ≪ °◇◆◇° ≫ --------»»

Sheath (Technoblade x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ