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Scared Ryota x Helper Sagishi
(Imposter's fanon name)

Ryota's POV

The clouds were gray and the sky looked green. I pasted it over and I walked in my house. I took off my shoes. And ran up stairs to my room.

   I sat at my desk animating, the usual. I put my phone on my desk. My phone buzzing over and over again. I didn't even knowledge what the notifications were. I should've looked. It could've been my partner Sagishi. They were probably texting me. We've been together for awhile now. And we've lived together for a couple months. As much as I wanted to look at my phone to see my notifications. I was too focused and drawn into my work I've been working on.

   Then after awhile. I put my pen down to finally see what these notifications were. So I reached for my phone and turned it on. It was about the weather. That it was a thunder warning. I felt the sweat run down my face. I hated thunderstorms. One of my worst fears. My heart was pounding so fast. Felt as if it was gonna pop out of my chest. I've gotten worried. I texted Sagishi to see where they were at. They usually knew how to calm me down.

On Ryota's phone

At 6:48

Sagishi                                                            Ryota
❤️My Anime Partner❤️

(Hey Sagishi)>
Read at 6:49

<(Hey Babe. I'll be home before it starts to thunder. I'll be home before you know it.)

(See ya when you get home)>
Read at 6:51

Ryota's POV

  I put my phone down. I heard it start to rain. And heard the sky roar as it flashed outside. I tried to ignore the noise. It just started to get louder and louder. I started to animate again and then.


  The power went off. I ran to my bed shaking. I hid  under my blankets. I was frightened. I just wanted my partner to come home soon.

Sagishi POV

  I was in my car. Of course I hit traffic. I felt like slamming my head against the wheel. I looked up at the clouds. I saw the flashing lights. My heart shank into my chest. I knew Ryota was probably so scared. And I promised him I was gonna be there shortly.

  The cars in front of me moved slowly. I honked my horn to go faster. But nothing. I knew I couldn't do anything. I could only imagine Ryota being so scared right now.

  After awhile I finally made it home. I parked my car. And ran into the house. I forgot my umbrella at home. I opened the front door. Took off my wet shoes then quickly ran up stairs. There I saw my short boyfriend in bed with the blankets on over him. The thunder rumbled and heard him squeal a little. I chuckled and put on some dry clothes. Then climbed in bed with him under the covers. I rapped my arms around him. I felt his whole body shake.

"My poor litte baby.."

Ryota's POV

  I was shaking so much. I couldn't help it. Then I suddenly felt my partner's lips touch my head. My whole body began to relax. They really knew how to calm me down. I'm so glad to have someone like them. "T-Thanks Sagishi.. You're the b-best.." Sagishi laughed and started playing with my hair. I felt my face get warm. "Of course Ryota."

After awhile when we cuddled in bed. The rain began to stop. Finally it was over. I sat up and stretched out. Not that long after Sagishi did the same.

The power was still out. I got up as well as Sagishi. Grabbed my phone. Then we finally went down stairs, I sat on the couch while Sagishi lit up candles and they started a fire. As I stared at them knowing I was one of the luckiest guys to have someone like them. As the fire got higher and the room got warmer. Sagishi sat next to me and they rapped their arm around me. I put an anime on my phone as we sat on the couch together. I turned to them and peaked their cheek. "Love y-you." Slowly putting my head on their shoulder. Then they put their head on mine. "Love you too.."

And we slowly fell asleep in each other's arms. Without them, I would be a wreck. I don't deserve someone as good as them..

Word count: 750

(Short I know. Idea from Nekomas-Ace )

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