Chapter 1: Welcome to the Glacier!

Start from the beginning

Robert Squared: Alright, I'll bite this one time. What do you want Ash?

*Robert turns around and try camera sees a woman with brown hair in pigtails & in more rugged/less clean clothes. She is carrying a guitar and by from what Robert said. He clearly knows her.*

Ash Raymond: Robert, my good friend. Been awhile so I decided I would stop by to see how you were doing heading into the biggest situation in your life-

Robert Squared: Cut the crap Raymond, everyone knows your little stunts. You are a spot picker at any time that it benefits you, what reason is it this time to make me listen to you?

Ash Raymond: That one stings, that one stings a lot more than it should but Robert, come on man, I thought you of all people would know by now. I have always been a spot picker, born & raised into the life plus you act like being a spot picker is the crime against humanity but on the contrary friend itis actually the best part about my life. Being able to get all the good things that people leave behind, getting literally anything that I can find, It's literally like being a criminal the police haven't caught but that's not the topic of discussion right now.

*Ash circles Robert as she has her guitar on her shoulder*

Ash Raymond: Lets talk about your situation here.

Robert Squared: Yeah, that's why I don't want you around here. I need to focus on this or else the game is already set & done before it starts.

Ash Raymond: You always have had that laser focus attitude Robbie.

*Suddenly a new voice pops in*

???: Ash, lay off of him.

*The person is clearly a woman, she walks up in a jacket and sunglasses. He has blondish/brown hair with blue dyed at the edge of her hair.*

Ash Raymond: Oh great, it's Gabrielle.

*The person's name is revealed to be Gabrielle Owens*

Gabrielle Owens: This is his chance to be written in history and you are here making him doubt himself and his ability, just do him a favor and kindly fuck off.

*Ash has a look of irritation on her face.*

Ash Raymond: Can't win 'em all I guess. See you around fuckers.

*Ash keeps ahold of her guitar in hand and walks off starting to play it.*

Ash Raymond: 🎶 Tell 'em that God's gonna cut you down, tell 'em that God is gonna..cut you down.🎶

*Robert & Gabrielle look at each other*

Robert Squared: Thank you very much! Truthfully, she was getting on my nerves.

Gabrielle Owens: Don't mention it, my name is Gabrielle Owens and I know how to deal with people like her, she is just trying to be a nuisance but I will not allow that.

Robert Squared: You actually seem kind of cool..would you like to hang out sometime-

*The stadium music begins as the fans get ready.*

Gabrielle Owens: Better get out there Robbie, don't let me hold you back.

Robert Squared: You're right! No more waiting! It's time to fight for all the marbles!

*The picture shows both Rick & Robert in side by side frames.*

Rick C & Robert Squared: I am WINNING!

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