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You woke up abruptly again, with a cold sweat shooting down your back, nausea rising in your stomach. Before you even comprehended what was happening, you found yourself having to dart to the bathroom to vomit. Leaning over the toilet bowl and retching, you began to feel insanity slowly lure you in.

"What the living fuck?! Why?!"

Was this god's punishment? You waking up again? In the same shoes? The same pain? The same corrupting confusion? You heard your phone ding silently from the bedroom, smacking a hand against the side of the toilet basin. You knew it would be the same text from Akira. You were stuck in a horrific time loop of pain and regret. All these sickening emotions that you wouldn't wish upon your worst enemy. You'd almost forgotten about the fact that you are technically dead. You were just focused on that sharp stabbing pain in your chest. Not from the injury perhaps; it felt more of an emotional sensation. Your heart was aching for Ryo.

Was this the earth's way of telling you that you'd been a horrible person in life? By forcing you to relive and rethink every time you'd ever neglected the person that you came to love? You didn't know. But you sure as hell wanted it to end.

You repeated a similar sequence to the day prior; if it could even be classed as a day. Maybe it had only been mere minutes since you died. But you were confident that something was seriously wrong now. You sped to Ryo's even quicker, not really considering any laws because you truly believed you were simply a spirit. Not even bothering to wait for Ryo's answer, you threw open his door in a rage, your eyes already staring to tear.

You hated how pathetically emotionally weak you were. It was almost like you were feeling Ryo's past pain. Everyone in this alternate universe of your past life was clueless, and you were in pain. It all seemed too familiar.

"Abrupt entry." Ryo muttered coldly, not even lifting his gaze to acknowledge you, again perched on his couch and tapping away at his keyboard, his head slightly leaning forward towards the screen. Akira was hanging upside down beside him, seemingly playing with a small spider that he'd found crawling around somewhere.

"Hello y/n! Nice to- woah!" He grunted as the clumsy idiot managed to crash straight onto the floor, backwards. Ryo let out a heavy sigh and he nudged Akira, his shoulders tensing.

"Go and tend to.. them." Ryo instructured Akira, not even addressing you by your nickname, let alone proper name. He'd always called you 'daffodil.' Now he wouldn't even so much as look at you. Akira shyly approached you, his terribly lanky frame bent over in an awkward posture. He lightly lifted a finger to your chin, tilting your head upwards to face his field of vision properly.



You exploded, all that pent up frustration pouring out of you in an erratic sentence. Ryo simply pinched the bridge of his nose and moved upwards to face you, but at least he was actually recognising your presence this time.

They both stood there in silence and shock, their lips hanging open in stupidity. They were both dumbfounded. They had no idea. This cruel time loop was making everyone around you reset like video game settings. And you hated it.

You stormed out of Ryo's apartment, running carelessly into the street below. You wiped stinging tears from your sore eyes, chest filling with cold wind as the scent of sweet cherry drifted into your nostrils. You needed to break this sickening cycle. Or nothing would ever change.

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