After several hours of looking, Dewey and Webby were both tired and frustrated.

"Ugh! I can't find it anywhere!" Dewey sat down on the hard, concrete floor. He let out a couple of coughs, as rearranging the room had lifted up a bunch of lint and dust.

"It's like it's not even in here!" Webby took a seat down next to him. "It's like it's not even in here..." she repeated to herself. After a moment of quiet, her eyes widened. "Dewey..."


"Don't be mad."

"Why would I be?"

"Um.... the box..."

"The box?"

"The box isn't in here."


Her cheeks turned bright pink with embarrassment. "The reason we couldn't find it is because it's not in here. I forgot that this one time, Feathry moved to a different place because..." She narrowed her eyes, trying to remember. She turned even more red than she was. "I... was playing dress up. Heh."

Dewey let out a soft chuckle.

"What! There were some of her clothes in that box, and I thought they were very pretty," she said, getting to her feet. She put her hands on her hips, as if that was enough justification.

Dewey snickered a bit, but then it hit him. "That means you don't know where the box is, do you?"

She frowned sadly. "Sorry, I don't. I'll try to remember, but the first couple of years in the mansion are a little blurry for me."

"It's alright Webby. It was a good try." He had gotten his hopes up, and that was his fault, not hers.


Just a little while longer and Louie could go home. That was all he could think of while doing seemingly pointless tasks around the company. Every time he thought he was done, Mark Beaks would find some new random thing to do. Mandatory dance break? Who ever heard of such nonsense!

And he couldn't complain to Owlison about it because she was off giving some random duck a tour!

"I'm done doing everything you've asked! Am I allowed to leave yet?" Louie said, trudging his feet into Beaks' office. He flopped down on the floor in front of his desk, awaiting whatever errand came next. But it would all be worth it. Louie had said that so many times to himself, he had almost completely forgotten what he was doing this for.

Beaks looked over his desk at the boy. "Huh. You're a persistent little guy, aren't you?"

Louie was too out of breath to answer. Otherwise he probably would've screamed.

Huey came running into the room. It wasn't an urgent run. Just a run full of energy, like Huey normally had. "Hey Beaks! Hey Louie! What's going on in here!"

"Your brother is being lazy and taking a nap."


"Well, I'm not lazy! I'm vibrant full of energy!" The red clad triplet rocked on his heals, smiling proudly. "I've done a bunch of stuff, like a super responsible person! Right, Louie?"

Louie just groaned.

"Cool, cool, cool. Unlike you two, I'll be staying here overnight, so how about this. Mmmm..." Mark pretended to think, though Louie was sure he already knew what he was going to say. "Whoever gets me a good coffee gets the internship."

Louie sat up. "Wait, what?"

"Already on it sir!" Huey gave a salute before running out of the room.

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