He took in a deep breath and got up from his seat. "I don't know why I constantly ask myself why I hate working here when the answer is standing right in front of me." Running a hand through his hair, he left the room.

Louie looked to Owlison for direction. "Well. He's fun." She waved a hand, dismissing it. "Anyways, who wants to start?"

"Oh! Me!" Huey shouted, raising his hand. Louie winced.

"Amazing. Oh, by the way, there's only room for one intern, so one of you won't get it. Cool? Cool."

Wait, what?

Dewey smiled quietly to himself, holding the small photograph close. Webby skipped alongside him, humming. "We're almost to the garage," she said. To be honest, the mansion was a bit big for Dewey to keep track of it all. The move from a trailer to Duck Manor was a little discombobulating, so much so that he asked Webby for directions pretty much anywhere.

"Do you really think the stuff in that box will give us some clues about my mom?"

"I don't know. But I hope so. Then you could go find her and be a happy family and live happily ever after!"

Dewey just nodded. They continued the rest of the way in silence, Dewey admiring the random art pieces on the wall. The quiet was nice, calming even. Mid-morning sun drifted in through the large windows. A few birds tweeted outside, accompanying Webby's humming. Some fears about finding Della crept into his head, but he pushed the away. He was just happy to maybe have something a bit more than an old photograph that his brother kept to himself.

Webby saw the garage door before Dewey did. "Look," she pointed. She ran up to the door and was about to open it when she was stopped.

"Webbigail, what are you doing?" Bradford Buzzard came from around the corner and stood in front of the two kids.

"Oh, we were just looking for that bo-"

Dewey clapped a hand over her mouth before she could finish. He laughed awkwardly. "Booooooo... Body armor. Yep. For... the... dogs...?"

"We don't have dogs." Bradford crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. How could Dewey have forgotten about him too? He hadn't interacted with the butler much in his stay here, but he was sure he didn't want to tell anyone else about his quest to find Della. The boy's heart started to race.

"We're going to buy dogs." Oh gosh, Dewey was not the liar of the family.


"Because... why not." Dewey's inner voice started screaming. Abort! Abort! Abort the mission!

Bradford just squinted at them. "Well... um... that was a rollercoaster. Now, tell me what you're really doing."

Dewey exchanged a glance with Webby, asking for help with his eyes. He took his hand off her beak and prayed she wouldn't tell.

"We were going to check out the other bin."

"You know you're not supposed to go in there," Bradford said, crossing his arms.

Webby put her hands behind his back and rocked on her heals. "I know. I'm sorry. It was my idea."

Bradford melted into a smile and ruffled her feathers. "Alrighty, thanks for being honest. Now, master Feathry and your brothers are out and about, so in the meantime why don't you help me clean?"

Webby nodded and Bradford walked past them, expecting them to follow. The pink duckling went after, but Dewey hesitated. He took a look at the garage door, frowning. He had been so close.

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