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'Power is genetic.'

-An unseen extract written by scholar and journalist Aksel Briggs.



Wall Maria, North Region, Islet, Briggs Manor

Levi nodded. "Agreed. And, Lorelai, you're going to need to do a bit of explaining." he leaned forward earnestly. "There is something off about this place."

"I know," she sighed, striding forward and drawing the curtains— best to be safe from prying eyes. The room was notably devoid of dust. It was as if she'd never been away at all. Everything was exactly as she'd left it that stormy night.

Levi watched her, standing alone in this giant room, and for once, Lorelai seemed small, dwarfed by insurmountable threat.

He softened a little. He needed to remember this situation wasn't just negotiation; it was personal. "Are you alright?"

"You've asked me that five times today."

"I'm worried."

"You're always worried," Lorelai breathed, sitting down on her old bed exhaustedly and dropping her face into her hands. Levi sat next to her gently. "I wish I could go back to Havas," she mumbled glumly.

They were silent for a few moments.

"...So what's the plan?"

Lorelai straightened. Levi was right; there was no time for weeping. She had a war to win.

"Briggs offered me a deal in that maze. He'll concede if I agree to return to this life. I could... pretend to cooperate— might buy my people some time," she shrugged.

Turning to Lorelai insistently, Levi replied "Absolutely not. You've been here all of one day, and you look stressed out of your mind."


"I saw your mother, Lorelai. It's a hell of a thing to be trapped here. I won't let that happen to you." He sighed, lowering his voice a little. "There is something about that man, Lorelai— about this whole place. He's not... normal."

She smiled sadly, cupping his cheek in her hand. "I appreciate how much you worry for me, my love. I'm just not sure what other options I have."

"Fight him," Levi insisted, clutching her hand.


"A knife in the back?"

She grinned. "That would make this a whole lot worse."

"Fine, then outplay him. Show Briggs' supporters that it is you that should have their faith. They just want hope, Lorelai, that's all. Give it to them." He softened his voice. "I know you can."

To beat Briggs at his own game... what would it take?

As things stood, she knew far too little and was far too afraid for it even to begin to seem possible. Lorelai had been running from this life for so long. Was she brave enough to turn on her heel and strike when the moment came?

Could little Annalise Briggs seek to fell the monster in her closet?

"I can help." Lorelai met his eyes. "If you let me," Levi gave a small smile.

She kissed his cheek. It was an odd thing that she suddenly felt safe in the house of her nightmares.

The bell rung.

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