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(A/N: This is obviously a complete work of fiction. Thank you and enjoy.)

Chapter 1

I stretched, sitting up slowly with a groan, my head pounding. I blinked several times, panic rising in my chest. The bed I was occupying was too massive to be mine, the black and purple comforter looked almost brand new, where was my faded green comforter I had had since high school? Where were the banners, and the posters that still littered my walls. Where was my clutter of a desk that sat in the corner of my room? Why was there a large window with sunlight pouring in? Where in the hell was I? This wasn't my room, this wasn't my bed. My eyes tried to focus on the details, everything too bright to be a dream. The scent of lavender filled my nostrils. I scanned the brilliantly lit room to find the burning candle. I smiled. I didn't know where I was, but at least there was something familiar.

"Morning," a voice came from the opposite side where I assumed the doorway stood. My head whipped around to see him standing there, my jaw dropped. This had to be a dream. This couldn't be real.

"Bout time you decided to wake up," he smirked. "How are you feeling?"

"Alex?" I questioned focusing on the trademark disheveled hair and lopsided grin.

"Who else would it be?" he laughed handing me a cup of coffee my fingers grazing his gently. "I have to get ready." He informed me. I tried to regain my composure. Don't freak out I told myself internally. There had to be an explanation for this. I had to be in a really deep dream, that's all this was. But I just felt his fingertips against mine, how could it be a dream?

He turned from the bed exiting the room. I quickly sat the coffee down rubbing my hands over my face before trying to wrap my head around what was going on. Flipping covers from my body I stood, taking in all the sights around me, trying to piece together what it was that was actually going on.

Was I kidnapped? No, why would Alex Gaskarth kidnap someone? That made absolutely zero sense. Was this some elaborate prank brought on by some fangirl version of Impractical Jokers? I tried to stop my involuntary shaking, searching the room for some kind of clue. Was I even still me? A thousand sci-fi scenarios danced around in my head. Nothing seemed to fit what was going on. Not that anything science fiction could ever happen in real everyday life. I tried to reign in my brain, telling myself there was something logical about it all.

"How are you feeling?" I heard him call from another room. I shrugged unsure of how I was supposed to feel.

"You took a pretty bad spill last night," he continued. Well, that put some things together, if I had known where I had been to fall.

"What happened exactly?" I finally found my voice, too busy trying to figure things out to really question that I was talking to Alex Gaskarth, even though that in and of itself should have caused me to be ecstatic. He headed back towards the door slipping a shirt over his head. Trying hard not to stare at the trail along his stomach I turned away, knowing my face had to be the brightest shade of pink.

"You don't remember?" he asked pushing the sleeves of the shirt to his forearms. I shook my head quickly trying desperately not to stare. My head felt woozy, spinning from shaking too fast. I had to remain calm, even if my heart was pounding loud enough I could hear every beat.

"You fell off the stage," as if that explanation cleared everything up.

"Right, right," I nodded. Alex approached slowly, his hands gently brushing the hair from face. I flinched at his touch, I guess whatever happened I definitely got an injury from it. He winced at my reaction.

A Daydream Away (All Time Low/Alex Gaskarth fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now