13. Dance club

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The music of the dance club we stumbled into was insanely loud, but amazing. The women had taken their shoes off to dance and a few guys walked around with crazy hair from dancing.

Delia hadn't left John's side since we'd gotten here and John didn't leave hers, ignoring me on purpose. I sighed, as we still hadn't had a chance to explain why I acted distant from him. I stared at them two dancing together with a spark of jealously inside of me. Ringo was close to them, looking very drunk and very excited to be out. He shook like a hound dog, moving to the rhythm.

I, however, sat on a plush couch and light up a cigarette, puffing in time to the music.

"What's the sour face for?" George suddenly sat next to me, acting worried. He breathed heavily from awkwardly dancing with a random girl he'd met on the floor and big his lip with those fangs. He was incredibly endearing, that much could be said. "I haven't seen you dance yet? I thought you liked to dance?"

I huffed in response. "I do." I replied shortly and George followed my gaze to see my best friend and the boy I was head over heals for moving together. They'd switched into some sort of stroll.

"Ah," George hummed and patted my leg softly with his pale, gangly hands. "He'll get over it, once you explain. When Delia leaves I'll try and talk some sense into him," my friend assured, warm heartedly as ever.

"I don't think she will," I swallowed my pride and shared the secret. "She fancies John."

George was stunned into silence, unsure of how to handle the situation. "Well, that's trickier than I expected."

"Yeah," I took a drag and Paul caught my eye. He was snuggled up tight to a red haired woman, taking a drag of her cigarette and chatting comfortably to all her friends with their feet propped up on the table.

"Come on," George suddenly stood up, towering in front of me. He plucked the cigarette firmly from my fingers and stubbed the light out in a nearby ash tray. "I'm not having you sit here all night long, by yourself. Dance with me instead," he urged and stared to drag me up by my shoulders. I tried to resist but he was surprisingly strong for a matchstick.

My white, miniskirt dress had risen up tightly and I fought George's strong grip to wrestle it down my thighs. "I don't feel like it—" I started but he wasn't having it.

"I know you like this song," he pointed out and cocked his slim face to the side. "It's the one you played on the jukebox the other day." He was right, I loved Chuck Berry. I went limp and let him lead me to the floor. He pulled me closer to him and started off an energetic jive, both of us slightly intoxicated but having fun with it. When me and John danced there was a certain tension but me and George just enjoyed ourselves. George led our upbeat partner dance and weaved through the crowds, spinning me every two seconds. He wasn't the best dancer, lanky and awkward but he didn't care. And I didn't either.

I was breathless, heartbeat thudding in my ears and George grinned toothily. That high pitched and young chuckle of his filled me ears. "This is fun!" I exclaimed loudly, having the time of my life. My fears had been eradicated and the other problems pushed out of my mind.

"I told yer," George panted, red and sweating but we didn't care. We stayed dancing for song after song and even broke apart to dance solo but next to each other for a few. "I think your friend problem has sorted itself out," he yelled into my ear, almost deafening me. I followed his gaze to see Delia doing the dog dance style with Ringo, the two of them laughing their heads off. They were totally invested in each other but John was nowhere to be seen.

"Give me a minute?" I asked my friend and he nodded in approval, watching me walk over to Delia. I tapped her shoulder carefully, trying not to get hit in the face by Ringo's energetic dance moves. I looked back to see George had paced away from the floor to grab a round of drinks sweetly.

"Oh hi!" Delia smiled, her lipstick patchy. "This is so much fun!" She squealed, still dancing away.

"Faye?!" Ringo bounded over and tackled me excitedly. I couldn't believe how excitable they both were. They kept catching each other's eyes and bashfully looking away immediately.

"You two are enjoying yourselves," I noted with hope in my hear, my fingers crossed. "I thought you and John-" I sneakily poked my nose into Delia's business.

"Oh we were. But he's been in a strange mood all night and he sulked off somewhere. He's a miserable git," Delia joked. "Ringo's looked after me," they put their thumbs up in unison towards me, starting to twist to a new song. I bit my lip, wondering where my guy had gone.

"He went that way," Ringo seemed to read my mind, although I had a feeling he wanted me to shove off and leave them two alone to have fun. I took the hint and waved them away, pretending to be upbeat. I scanned the crowds for a peak of that familiar face, which was nowhere to be found. My now barefoot, though I was wearing tights, feet led me all around the dance club, searching every nook and cranny for a sight of John. The gentlemen and woman at the tables watched me in curiosity.

The only place left was a little outdoor area, designated purely for design purposes. They had a small, tranquil pond out there, an ideal spot for courting couples and lovers from the dance club to relax and talk in peace. I stalked outside, shivering in the fresh air, for my miniskirt wasn't built for the night.

I spotted John immediately, sitting on the floor by the pond with his back to me. He was smoking, his hand tapping the ash out of his cigarette every couple of seconds. A billow of smoke rose above the back of his head when he breathed out. There was no one else there and he sat alone.

"John?" I spoke lowly and he barely flinched.

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