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I sat on the hard floor with my back pressed against the wall behind me; beside me, the man with the lightsaber, who was named Trusa, sat with his eyes closed. My leg had stopped bleeding, but the pulsing pain radiated through my body.

"How long has it been?" I asked.

"Close to an hour," he replied. I wiped my hands over my face. My skin was dry and covered in smeared charcoal due to the tears I had been spilling during my time locked in here. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back to lean on the wall, praying to any higher power to keep Din safe. Silence filled the room again as the two of us pondered the situation.

"So, are you a Jedi?" I asked. He chuckled.

"No, no. I prefer force sensitive person. I don't align with that order." I nodded my head at his response.

"Why are you helping her?"

"If I'm being honest, I was told this would be a quick and clean job. I was in debt to her and this is how she called for my payment." I sat listening to him, but the words weren't processing entirely. My mind was somewhere else, trying to find a solution to the issue we were stuck in. "You know, if you told her about the child, I think she would be a bit more forgiving and willing to bargain." I shook my head and looked over at him.

"She already knows about the child; she doesn't seem to care about him."

"Him?" He asked. I nodded my head, brows furrowed. How did he know about Grogu?

"How did you know about the child, I never mentioned him," I asked, confused by his knowledge of our personal life.

"As I said, I'm force sensitive. I can feel her. She's powerful." I looked at him confused by what he was trying to say.

"Yeah, HE, is extremely powerful, and also nowhere near us. How could you sense him?" I watched as what little color filed his cheeks, slowly drained.

"You. haven't. I," he stuttered out.

"What?" I yelled at him.

"You're pregnant. With a girl. A force sensitive girl." My body froze at his words. Slowly, everything pieced together. Luke's warning, the odd stretch marks, the feeling I got in the pit of my stomach when danger was imminent, the random bouts of sickness, and the out of body experiences. My shaking hands moved to rest on my lower stomach. "I'm sorry. I- I thought you knew at this point," he whispered.

I felt another wave of tears fill the brim of my eyelids. How was I going to tell him? If I even got the chance to tell him. Trusa and I sat in the room together, my head leaning on his shoulder as I cried. Another passed and at this point, I had given up all hope that Din was going to survive their battle. My eyes became heavy as we grew further into the night. Just as I was on the verge of falling asleep, the sound of the door slamming open and scuffling feet woke me up. Din stood above me, bending over to pick me up and carry me out of the room.

"What, what happened Din?" I asked.

"Negotiations. We'll talk about it later, just rest for now." The mixture of blood loss and the exertion of my emotions made me weak, so any attempt to fight sleep was futile. My vision grew black and slowly the sounds around me muffled until I was in a state of complete nothingness.

I woke up to the second of beeping; I slowly opened my eyes, giving myself time to adjust to the light of the room. I looked around, taking a moment to process what I was seeing. I was in a medic office; my leg had been wrapped up tightly and I had an IV inserted in my right arm. As soon as I opened my eyes, Din was standing beside me, brushing my hair out of my face and pushing the call button. A nurse pulled back the curtain and walked in.

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