Chapter 1. Wtf is Obama's last name? Does anyone know?

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George followed a raindrop that slid down the window of the car. He sat in the back of the uber fidgeting nervously with his hair.

Sapnap and Dream wanted George to come to visit them because it was the last week of Sapnap and Dream living together. George had always wanted to meet Dream but he still felt kinda scared. He unconsciously began tying and untying the strings on his hoodie while he thought about all the endless things that could go wrong. Maybe Dream would be getting tired of George after meeting him in real life. What if Dream found being friends with George fun because it all happens behind two screens? What if when Dream actually meets George he will get bored? His body started heating up. He leaned his head against the cold window. He tried focusing on the sound of the pouring rain hitting the roof of the car. But the only thing George could focus on was the pain in his chest every time he thought of things that could go wrong. But he couldn't stop thinking. The pain got more and more intense. His eyes started to unfocus but before he started panicking for real the uber driver interrupted his overthinking." we're here," He said. George quickly paid him and walked out of the car. The rain slowly began to subside.

A voice coming from some speakers told George and all the other people that they could go on the plane now. George took a few deep breaths. It is now or never. he told himself.

He sat down on the small seat. He was small as well so it wasn't a big issue but the man beside him looked pretty squished. George had gotten the seat at the window, right now there wasn't much to see. After the people who worked on the plane had shown what to do if the plane crashed (which was a terrifying thought that scared George)
they told everyone to put their electronics on airplane mode. That meant that George couldn't come in contact with anyone down on earth.

George had never been a big fan of flying. And that this flight was gonna take 10 hours didn't really help. Then the plane took off. George shut his eyes together and hold on to the armrests of his seat. Then he felt a hand over his. He opened his eyes and looked to his side. It was the man next to him. The man looked at him worried. "Hey it's okay," He said with a calming voice. The man looked like he was in his twenties. His blue eyes held their eye contact and it surprisedly calmed George down.

The plane was now in the air. The man lifted his hand from Georges. "Thank you," George said and looked down embarrassed. "No problem!" the young man said smiling. His hair was brown. "so you're also going to Florida?" the man asked. "Yeah im visiting my friend," George said happily that the man didn't seem to care about Georges's fear of flighting. "Cool. Im going home" The man said. "So you live in Florida?" George asked. "Yeah" the man smiled. "Oh I forgot to mention," The man said. "My name is Hart," He said holding out his hand. George took it and shook it. "Im George"

George and hart talked for hours. Georges's eyes began to feel heavy. Hart noticed. "George you should probably get some sleep," he said. George just nodded and then he fell asleep.

George woke up. His head was laying on Hart's shoulder. He instantly lifted his head. He checked his phone. Only one hour left then he could see his dream. No, not his dream.

The plane landed. Just before George left his seat Hart gave him a piece of paper. George opened it and saw some numbers. He looked at Hart confused. "It's my number dummy," Hart said and laughed. "oh," George said. "Call me if you need something," Hart said and then they split up.

George walked over to pick up his suitcase. It took some time but he got it. Georges's phone rang. He looked at the screen and saw it was Dream. He took it. "Im here," Dream said. "I just landed," George announced. "I know George I can see you."

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter:)

Have a good day/night

-The author

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