Chapter 2

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3:30 PM

1st of November, 1981,

CIA Safe House,

West Berlin, West Germany

Bell Point of View

In front was a old man I guessed was 90 years old wearing a blue cloak. It had a long white beard and a long white hair, his face was lined and his eyes were blue and were twinkling, he had a crooked nose and wore round glasses. Behind him was a severe-looking woman. She wore an emerald cloak and looked to be in her 70s. She wore a hat and had square glasses. She gave the impression of being very very strict. "Hello, my name is professor albus dumbledore and this is professor mcgonnagol" the old man said calmly reckoned to the old woman beside her. "Ah Helen long time no see", said professor dumbledore with a wide smile on his face. "Nice to see you professor dumbledore and you too professor mcgonnagol", said Helen with a smile on her face. Did they knew each other, I thought.

"Bell who the hell is at the door", asked Adler in a loud voice. "Someone Helen knows not me", I yelled back. "Shall we come inside?", asked Professor dumbledore. "Sure why not professor", replied back Helen. Both the professor entered the safe house and I closed the door. The professors walked into where the meeting was taking place. "Please professor sit down", said Helen to the professors and she sat down in her own chair. "Whom are they park?", asked Hudson eyeing at the professors suspiciously. "They are my cousin school teachers", replied Helen coolly.

"Then what are they doing here, why not visit your cousin", snapped back Hudson. I felt like I want to punch his face."What brings you here professor", asked Helen. "Well Helen, it is to do with lily, James and Harry",replied dumbledore sounding grave. My stomach lurched. What happened to them. I happen to know James, lily and little Harry when we just started dating. Helen mentioned me on her letter and lily asked who was I. In the next letter I introduced myself to lily by writing to her. I then became best friends with lily husband james, it turned out we both liked pranks, hated detention and he was little bit jealous of me when he found out Helen accepted my outing with her first time while james chased lily for 6 years. I thought, that man had guts to chase helen cousin lily for 6 years. "I am sorry to inform you but lily and James are dead", said professor dumbledore sadly, soon professor mcgonnagol bursted into tears and took out a handkerchief and wiped her eyes. I was also overwhelmed by grief and sadness, but the worst was affected was none other than helen whom face was covered her tears and her eyes looked red. Of course, helen and lily were like sisters together while lily sister petunia was jealous of her and called her a freak. I went over to Helen and comforted her. The whole team was feeling sorry for helen. But then helen stood up from her chair and went to were the professors were sitting and yelled at them, she had lost her temper. The words went like this, " LILY, JAMES AND HARRY WERE HIDING FROM THAT MADMAN WITH THE FIDILUS CHARM, WHAT HAPPENED HOW WERE THEY FOUND AND WHAT HAPPENED OF HARRY". I went over to helen and took her back to her chair and sat her down. "All will be answered shortly helen, as you see helen fiancé Vladimir also has to know", replied dumbledore calmly. Helen looked at me with fears in her eyes. "And you people as well", said dumbledore looking at the team. "Know what? old man", said Hudson taunting dumbledore a bit. "That me and professor mcgonnagol are wizards and witches", said dumbledore calmly. There was a moment of silence and then Hudson, mason and woods laughed, Hudson was the loudest. "His telling the truth", Helen replied quietly. "That dumbledore guy is telling the truth", asked both mason and woods at the same time. Helen nodded and both mason and woods shut and mouths while Hudson just scoffed and said, "well mr dumbledore, if you are really are", Hudson challenged him. Professor mcgonnagol glared at Hudson, but then professor dumbledore took out a stick and wavered it, then hudson sunglasses was flying around the whole room and hudson was trying to catch it. The whole team was laughing as Hudson tried to catch the his glasses but well over a chair in front of him. Even Adler was smiling. Then professor mcgonnagol gave professor dumbledore a look and he wavered his stick and hudson glasses fell on the floor, hudson picked it up and put on his face. "So it's true, that you people are wizards and witches", asked adler. "Yes we are", replied dumbledore. "As you know, we are here to talk about mrs park cousin lily, her brother in law and her nephew", spoke professor mcgonnagol for the first time. "They are wizards too?", I asked. "Yes" replied dumbledore. I thought for a moment, helen had a magical sister, brother in law and nephew and I felt a little bit jealous about it. "As you see mrs park, that lily, james and harry were living under the fidlius charm, a complex spell used when a person or a family goes into hiding. It involves one person whom is the keeper of that person or family, the keeper can only tell the location of where the hiding person or family is living", dumbledore paused for a minute for anyone to say anything.

"How were they found", helen asked, her voice full of grief. "Among us there was a traitor whom was passing lord voldemort information for a year, the one whom lily and james were hiding from, and the person was none other than james best friend siruis black", said dumbledore sadly and

helen sobbed a bit more. "Who is this lord voldemort professor", I asked professor dumbledore. "He is a extremely powerful dark wizard whom risen 11 years ago, and he is against muggle-borns or non-magical people and kills muggles for fun and he also kills witches and wizards whom stand against him and had waged war against the ministry of magic", replied dumbledore calmly. Everyone was silent except for helen whom was sobbing. "What happened to little harry", I asked. "Of course, as you see Hagrid, a friend of mine is bringing him here right now", replied dumbledore. "Are you sure it's right to trust Hagrid dumbledore", asked professor mcgonnagol sharply. "Yes I would trust Hagrid with all my life", replied dumbledore to mcgonnagol. "Professor dumbledore, whom is this ministry of magic?", asked hudson. "It is our form of government and its head is called the minister of magic, every single country has its won magical population and ministry of magic", replied dumbledore to hudson. "In the United States too?", asked hudson. "Yes", replied dumbledore. " How come we never find you people or your government structures?", asked sims. "Well as you see, our government is under the ground and has enchantments protecting it and whenever a non-magical person learns there is a witch and wizard, the ministry sends a squad to oblivate them", replied dumbledore. "What do you mean by oblivate?", asked Adler. "It means making a person forget a certain memory of his and also complete memory loss of that person or modify his memory", dumbledore replied to Adler. "So it's like the MK-Ultra Program", woods blurted it out and hudson glared at woods. " What it is this MK-Ultra Program", asked mcgonnagol curiously. " Well, it is classified information and the short thing I can say is that it's a mind control program launched by the CIA, USA intelligence agency and Vladimir is the only living person whom survived the MK-Ultra Program and the our government banned the program", replied hudson. Both the professors eyes turned to me and stared at me, luckily we all heard the sound of a motorcycle. "It looks like Hagrid is here", said professor dumbledore said to us cheerfully. The professors went outside and we all followed suit and we went in front of the safe house and in the horizon as the sun was going down, a flying motorcycle was with a large figure on it was coming down and it landed in front of the lane leading to the safe house. "Hagrid", called out dumbledore. "Where did you get that motorcycle", asked dumbledore. "Young Siruis Black lent me", said Hagrid gruffly. Hagrid was taller than any of us and he had long back hair and a long black beard, he had large eyes and wore some sort of jacket. "Here is Harry Potter, the house was almost destroyed and muggles were swarming the place, trying to find out what had happened and he fell asleep when we were flying over Bristol", Hagrid said to the professors and he gave the professors a basket. The professors came towards us followed by Hagrid and inside the basket there was a small baby and his head was covered by a tuft of black hair and on his forehead was a lightening bolt scar. "Is that?", professor mcgonnagol asked dumbledore. "Yes he will have this scar forever", replied professor dumbledore

Professor dumbledore handed helen the basket and Helen took a look at Harry, I put my hand on Helen back. "Well please in the following years, take care of Harry", said dumbledore. And after that both of the professors disappeared in thin air and Hagrid left with his flying bike. "Let's take him to my apartment", I said to Helen whom nodded and we started to walk towards my apartment which was just around the corner. Soon Adler caught up with us, he went back to lock the safe house.

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