"Where's Joonie?" I asked.

"Bathroom. Where else?" Jimin answered jokingly. "Have you eaten noona?"

I nodded my head at him, "Yes, I took a few bites while I was preparing that." Pointing to the tray. "You should eat too Chim. Is there a particular food that you want to have later after the concert?" I asked him, knowing that these boys would definitely be hungry. Jimin looked at me and I remember seeing his dance video years back, how he has grown into this beautiful dancer.

"Ah, I think Jin hyung already prepared where we're going to eat." He answered me.

"Oh?? Did you guys want to eat somewhere?" I asked.

"Manager Sejin already made arrangements Alexa." Jin answered me.

"Ah. That's great then." I said.

"Babe, come here." Yoongi called out to me, coming closer to him, he pulled me to his lap and cuddled with me. "Why don't you rest for a bit?" I snuggled into his arms and did just that. "You're staying with Bang later right? Not backstage?" He asked me quietly.

"Yes, I would be watching with the family." I said, confirming to him what has been a tradition of sorts, I would be watching in the audience section with Bang and the boys' family. It's like the last hurrah for the tour and I wanted to watch them as their fan and friend and not as their manager. They've joked about it that I should be buying their tickets whenever I watch, although what they didn't know is that, I do pay for my ticket.

"And I'll see you here once the concert is over?" He asked again.

"Babe, what's all this?" I asked, giggling. I really find it cute how he would like to confirm these type of things. Over the years, I find it endearing that he would ask me as if I would one day not be there. I keep reassuring him that he would have to kill me first before I do that.

Yoongi tightened his arms around me, almost squeezing me. "I love you." He whispered. I kissed him on the lips and answered him back.

I have already changed into my outfit for the concert, nothing too fancy since I would still want to be comfortable and with my ever dependable chucks, I want to the dressing room to check on the boys one final time before I go out to the audience area.

"Are you guys excited?" I asked them as I entered the room.

"Of course!" They all said in various tones and voices. I couldn't help but giggle, they still haven't changed. Sure, they've matured but the playfulness and the antics are all still there. As they put up with the finishing touches, I watch them all carefully. I couldn't have been more prouder of them, they've really come a long way and I've seen all the tears and laughter. The fights and the bonding moments, I've seen them at their worst and at their best and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

"I'm so proud of all of you. I know you'll all kick ass in this one, and I'll be there outside cheering you on." I said to them.

"Manager, don't get cheesy. Come here and give us a hug instead." Joonie said, he pulled me towards them and we all hugged each other. I tried so hard not to get too emotional during the last day of the tour but still I can't help but shed a few tears.

Yoongi held my hand as I walk towards the door. "I'll look for you there babe." He said. I kissed him on the lips and smiled at him.

"I'll be the one screaming the loudest." I said.

As soon as I arrived at the VIP area, I could see the boys' family. I greeted them and of course, Yoongi's mom hugged me and kissed me. "Oh Lexie, you're are looking even more beautiful. Are you excited for today?" She asked.

The Most Beautiful Moments In Our Lives - I Need UWhere stories live. Discover now