Hope watched in annoyance as he made himself comfortable in her house, on her couch, without her permission. Granted, it was her mum's house but still. She really didn't want him around yet, not when she hadn't fully set her plans in motion.

"Val is not here," Hope repeated, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at him.

"I heard you the first time. You made it very clear," Raymond replied, gesturing at his foot.

Hope didn't like how unbothered he seemed, even though she was making it very clear his presence wasn't appreciated. "You're the one that decided to form ironman," Hope replied, shrugging.

His brows raised at her comment and she shrugged again, passing the message that she wasn't in the least bit remorseful. He seemed to get the message. "Anyway, I'm not here to see your cousin. I'm here for you."

The way he said that made Hope's stomach do a funny flip which she conveniently decided to ignore. Instead, she deepened her frown, masking whatever it was with annoyance. "What for, if I may ask?"

He patted the space next to him and it was Hope's turn to raise her brows. Did she look friendly right now? Wasn't she conveying it enough that she was pissed?

"Just say what you want to say. I'm expecting someone else very soon," she curtly replied.

His eyes narrowed in suspicion at her flippant brush off. "Who?"

Hope ignored his question and graced him with a blank stare.

He sighed, shaking his head. "You know, you should be treating me better seeing as I'm about to tell you I just got you a new job."

Hope froze, stunned as her head struggled to wrap around that piece of information. Say what? "W-What did you say?"

"Me?" Raymond questioned, pointing at himself and looking as innocent and confused as possible. "What did I say?"

"You said you got me another job!" Angel exclaimed impatiently, bouncing on her feet as she did.

Raymond barely resisted laughing out loud at her wide eyed expression, managing to keep the innocent look. "Ah that . . . well, you know . . . I'm feeling very thirsty right now, I could probably do with a chilled--"

His words were left hanging as Hope practically flew into the kitchen, back in less than a minute with a carton of orange juice, a glass cup and the biggest fake smile he'd ever seen planted on anybody.

Raymond chuckled as she all but chucked the drink and glass at him. He took the glass and looked up at her expectantly, motioning to the drink.

"Of course." She smiled sweetly, opening the carton and pouring the drink.

"Thank you." He took a gulp of the drink, smiling in content at the sweet and chilled flavor it left in his mouth.

"So, are you going to tell me now?" Hope cajoled, dropping the half full carton on a stool next to the couch and he followed suit with the glass. She batted her lashes at him, trying her hand at being charming.

"Since you're being such a wonderful host . . . " Raymond trialed off, pretending to think about it. "How about a foot massage?"

"A foot kinni?" Hope demanded, almost losing her pleasantness.

"It's fine if you don't want to. It's just that my foot really hurts and it's making it really hard to say anything," Raymond shrugged, leaning back on the couch and closing his eyes. He rolled his ankle dramatically and a knowing smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

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