"3, 2, 1, date!"

10 0 3

Quick warning
This is cringe and sucks and is basically my version of every single Rp I've done and ITS BAD so ye
Cringe warning also yes I did change the ages a bit (just reread the introduction)
Also he's the title of this chapter is a Friday night funkin reference.

Author POV
A very loud knocking could be heard on Ink's door. "Whaaaaaat?" He groaned as he opened the door.

"MALL DAY!" Pith smiled and looked at him.
Ah yes, mall day. The one day where the children aren't, in danger. The day where they get to choose their destiny! Will it be love? Revenge?

b l o o d s h e d?
(Author you're going on a tangent again.)
Back to the children,
Ink chuckled and nodded before slamming the door in her face groaning. "Ugh...social interaction."
Now you might be thinking, 'wow! This is a pretty emo amazing and hot main character!'
Well YOU THOUGHT WRONG! You dumb little baby dumb dumb.
Ink, is not the main character.

"I can't wait to get my new body pillow!- Cmon Peg!" This is the main character. Pith, I know. nAnIiII !?!???
B-But author! She's just a straight basic white bitch and the only thing interesting about is her brown to pink gradient like hair, cat girl aesthetic, and her powers! How is she gonna get any dick!?
First of all I'm 50% sure she's Korean or something. Also- don't assume someone's sexuality!-
I mean she is straight......Maybe.....No. But she ends up dating a guy so stfu.
(Author back to the story dumb bi-)

Pith hopped in the car, helping peggy into her car seat before watching ink climb in.

Poth started the car and drove off.

Pith scooted over to ink. "Whatcha doin?"

"Texting someone."

"Can I see who it is?"


"Is it a boy?"


Pith squealed. "oOooOo Ink likes someone!~"

Poth chuckled. "Who?"

"No one." Ink turned to the other side, blushing.

Pith asking multiple questions about the boy continued until they got to the mall. "Alright have fun kids! Me and Ms Lily will be getting groceries." "Alright!" Pith waved before dragging Ink and Peggy inside the mall.

Peggy POV
"Beep bo bop." And I teleported away.

Author POV
Pith giggled at peggy before grabbing Ink's hand. "Cmon we gotta get my Cray body pillow!"

"Nope I got a date. And you better not tell mom and dad!" Ink let go of her hand and turned away.

"Ughh fineee!" She groaned before walking into the sketchy hot topic rip off.

I walked into a nice small cafe waiting for..him..

"Hi Ink! Sorry I'm late!" Error came running up to my table and sat across from me. "Oh it's fine don't worry!" I chuckled.
"So anywhere in particular today?" I got up and left my hand out for error to grab, which he did while standing up. "Hmm..maybe Spencers?" I nodded and walked with him on our way to Spencers.

Wait- I'm a main character?- (a cray x pith story)Where stories live. Discover now