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I walked around, my head scanning the airport for familiar faces.
I gripped my suitcase handle, seeing strangers around me. they all seemed to know where they are going.

i'm meeting with all the boys for a stream idea that we planned. the fans dont suspect a thing so that makes us more anxious and excited.

i kept walking towards a Starbucks where i thought of sitting down, getting a drink, and texting the boys to let them know where i'm at.


"There she is!" I heard a voice yell from the left side of me. I turned to look over and saw bad pointing at me, he seemed to just have jumped out from the side of the wall next to him.
"BADDD" I heard someone with a british accent complain, followed by grunts and giggles from others that sounded to be behind the wall as well.
"SORRY SHE JUST LOOKED SO LOST" bad apologized with a big smile on his face and small giggles, holding his arms open for me to fall into.
My heart felt so full and relieved after hearing voices I know and seeing bad's face.
I ran towards bad with my suitcase rolling behind me.
I threw my arms around his neck and giggled with him. "I can't believe you're actually realll!" I spoke, my voice was muffled since my face was buried in his chest. he rubbed my bad in circles, comforting me. He giggled before letting me go. Around me were a bunch of the boys. I gasped, not knowing who to go to.
Before I could decide I felt warm hands wrap around my hips and someone resting their chin on my shoulder. I looked over and saw Alex's side profile. I turned around and squeezed my arms around his neck, he picked me up and hugged me tightly as everyone around us laughed and awwed. "aww my sweet girl" he whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek. i smiled before kissing his cheek back. Alex and i aren't really into PDA but this is the first time were seeing each-other so we had to get a little bit in.

"CAN I HUG HER?!" I heard Fundy yell, pretending to be annoyed. We all laughed out loud. I pulled away from Alex and quickly pecked his lips before heading over to Fundy where he drowned me with kisses. I smiled and playfully wiped away all his kisses before hugging him back. Fundy was the first person of the DSMP that i met, ive know him for way longer than ive known any other of the boys. We've been internet friends for about 6 years now so it's super exciting to see him in real life and to hug him. "my bestest friendddd" i smiled hard while still hugging him.
I eventually greeted Tommy,Sapnap, George And Karl before going back to alex's side as we started to walk out of the airport.
i looped my arm around his, his hand was inside the pockets of his black hoodie.
he looked down at me before we both smiled at each other. he giggled before leaning down and planting a kiss on my fourhead.
"You look so beautiful" he whispered in my ear before standing up straight again.
i smiled, feeling my cheeks turn hot, I shyly leaned my cheek on his bisep, smiling super hard. He giggled as we continued to follow the boys, who were laughing and yelling within themselves, out of the airport.
alex was much warmer than i thought he'd be, besides the fact that he had on a black hoodie, his hands were warm, embracing my cold fist. to me, he always looked like someone who's cold. not sure why.
I feel complete with him and the boys by my side..
We soon arrived to Karl's home, I sat down my bags next to the living room couch before plopping down on it. His television played American dad. I rested my chin on the couch arm and watched the tv tiredly. The boys were in the kitchen laughing and talking loudly.
I felt a hand rest on the top of my head before it's fingers slightly opened and closed, massaging my scalp. "Do you want some food?" Alex's voice asked quietly behind me. I shook my head never taking my eyes off the tv as they start to feel heavy.
He walked away and soon enough my eyes shut completely.
I was awakened by someone's hand on my thigh, slightly shaking me. "I made you a sandwich." Alex handed me a pink plastic plate with a ham and cheese sandwich on it. I slightly smiled before yawning and rubbing my eyes.
I took the plate and bit into the sandwich
"Is it good?" He smiled, taking a sip from his orange juice. i nodded and finished up my sandwich as the boys sat on the couch and started to discuss the stream.

"I think George should start a normal stream but have a green screen in the background so then we can just pull it down and reveal ourselves" Sapnap suggested, we all nodded and laughed. excitedly.

"yeah i like that, and then we can continue the stream together but on Alex's channel" Karl added one. Alex nodded, he's usually down to do anything so they can always count on him.

alex clapped his hands together "lets goo!!" he hyped up the boys before sipping his orange juice and asking me if i wanted any. i quickly sipped from the cup and handed it back to him. he kissed the side of my head before standing up and heading back into the kitchen.


"alright, George is going to start setting up for his stream, you guys can go change or whatever." Karl stepped down a few steps of the stairs before heading back up to help the george set up.

i stood up from the couch and hopped up the staircase, alex followed behind. i could hear tommy and sapnap at the top talking about a new video game that just got announced. "Y/N WHAT DO YOU WANT!" sapnap faked being annoyed at me when i got there, i shook my head as tommy groaned and rolled his eyes. "DAMN Y/N LEAVE US BOYS ALONE" i laughed before responding "ALRIGHT ALRIGHTTTT!"I laughed even more and quickly made my way to Karl's spare bedroom where mine and Alex's bags were, he probably brought mine up here while i was sleeping. Alex shut the door behind us and took a deep breath. i still cant believe in the same house as all my friends, the ones i stayed up with all night yelling and laughing with. with my boyfriend.

i wrapped my arms around Alex's waist, he giggled before hugging me back, resting his chin on the top of my head.  "im so glad i get to hold you in my arms, i dont have to imagine it anymore" he spoke, his voice quiet, causing a small rasp. i giggled "i am glad too" i responded looking up at him with a smile, he giggled before pecking my lips, he pulled away to look at me once again before kissing again, this time more passionately, taking my breath away.

"youre an okay kisser" i joked after we pulled away, i slowly made my way towards my suitcase. "just okay?" he laughed before following me, making his way to his suitcase. "mhmm" i responded giggling.

we exchanged a bit more hugs and kisses....okay a lot. before we actually started getting ready for the stream.



this one will be a 2 part story maybe 3 im not sure yet.

im so so sorry for not interacting or posting

i hope yall have been good :)

Sunflower/ Quackity imaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz