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The halls of Westwood Asylum were always so dull. It was a miracle people even managed to find their ways from room to room. Every turn just led to another endless identical hallway. The plain pale blue walls seemed to stretch on forever with the only things decorating them being simple placks with room numbers. The white tile floors were coated with dust and dirt and the rooms all held the same few things.

Westwood Asylum was where people went when things got bad. Whether it was a homicidal six-year-old or a suicidal teenager, you could be certain that one of these rooms held them. But one particular room held a young boy by the name of Beau Martin.

Beau was considered the golden boy of his town. Not because he was smart or athletic, but because of the permanent smile that lingered on his lips. He was bright, cheerful, and was often referred to as a ball of sunshine. Even in the asylum, he tried to stay optimistic, he tried to keep smiling... Even though it wasn't easy.

The slender boy walked down the halls with the ghost of a smile on his lips. His fluffy copper hair and gentle sky blue eyes made him stand out against the dull walls. He had light freckles on his cheeks and his skin was lightly tanned as if it had been kissed by the sun.

He made his way into the large open cafeteria and took a seat in his usual spot across from a dark-haired girl. He stared at his tray silently contemplating whether it was worth it to try and avoid eating. The nurses didn't exactly take a loss in appetite lightly, and it was a chicken nugget day... But the thought of food just made his stomach turn.

"Hey" Sage grinned before pointing a finger at his food. Her black nail polish was almost completely chipped away after weeks in the asylum. Beau wasn't exactly sure why she was here... But he knew it had something to do with a stolen car and pills. "Are you gonna eat that?"

"You can have it" Beau shrugged. His voice was lightly tinted with a southern accent. It wasn't noticeable unless you were looking, but even hearing it reminded him of home. It reminded him of Lukas too...

"Thanks, Sunshine" Sage's eyes lit up as she grabbed one of the chicken nuggets and dunked it into some ketchup. Beau felt his chest go numb and his hands begin to quiver... He clenched his fists around the ends of his shirt to keep from shaking. His eyes fluttered shut in an attempt to tune out the world and recenter himself. He needed to stay happy... And those memories weren't doing any good.

"Don't call me that" Beau sighed before awkwardly reaching for his applesauce. He found the chicken nuggets and the flavorless mashed potatoes to be unappealing... But he always had a sweet tooth and couldn't ignore the applesauce screaming his name.

"Right, sorry" Sage shrugged. Sage had long dark hair she often kept in french braids or let fall messily down her back. She had chestnut skin, high cheekbones, and deer-like brown eyes. She was known for being surprisingly bold, arguing with nurses, and always wearing baggy t-shirts and plaid pajama bottoms. Beau thought it was odd that she'd want to be his friend out of everyone here. Later, he learned that she had simply scared everyone else off. "Guess what"

"Hm?" Beau hummed. His mind was more focused on the fact that he has to meet with his therapist again. He didn't mind talking to Doctor Zan. She was a kind woman and never pressured Beau to talk about the incident... He had managed to avoid even mentioning Lukas or Mr. Edwards... But he knew he wouldn't be able to leave until he did.

"They think I should be discharged by the end of the month" Sage grinned. "Then I can go back to the res and my sad excuse of a mother"

"Congratulations?" Beau's eyebrows creased together. He wasn't sure how Sage felt about leaving... He wasn't even sure how he felt about leaving. The town waiting for him wasn't exactly waiting to welcome him with open arms.

The Burning Barn [BxB]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें