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contact names-

drachoe😏🧚‍♀️💗🎣 - draco malfoy
blaise🕳🚶😍 - blaise zabini
main bitch🥵 - adrian pucey
theo nott - theo nott

drachoe😏🧚‍♀️💗🎣 - draco malfoy blaise🕳🚶😍 - blaise zabini main bitch🥵 - adrian pucey theo nott - theo nott

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main bitch🥵
is anyone gonna let
el know that oliver
is waiting for her

she told me to tell him
she's in detention & to
reschedule for next time

period as y'all should

theo nott
i'm coming back to the dorm
in twenty minutes be done with
whatever your doing

no come back in an hour
we're not done w our

theo nott
i'm tired i'll be quiet
i promise i won't
bother u

no ❤️


draco and el were laying on his bed, they were watching a muggle show on netflix and el was asking questions every five seconds.

"so do you think they know about that little boy having powers?"

draco sighed, "el i don't know, we haven't gotten that far yet."

"well google it so we know ahead."


el huffed, "why not?"

"stop asking questions." draco said, pausing the show they were watching.

"or what?" she asked, a grin appearing on her face.

he laid the computer on the floor and sat back up, grabbing her arms and pinning her down, tickling her.

her laughs could probably be heard all across the dorms.

"draco stop!" she finally breathed out, having been unable to catch her breath from laughing so much.

"are you gonna stop asking questions?" he asked her, a genuine smile on his face, which was a very rare sight.

"why would i stop asking questions?" she asked.

he rolled his eyes, placing his hands back onto her sides, before she finally gained some upper strength and managed to flip them, so she could tickle him....

except she flipped them the wrong way and the two fell on the floor, pulling all of the covers with them, comforting their fall...

...or comforting el's fall, draco on the other hand was on the hard ground. his hair was all messed up, sticking everywhere from the static, causing el to laugh even more.

she leaned down closer to him to fix his hair, she was using one arm to prop herself up and that arm was right by draco's head and was using the other arm to fix his hair.

they were inches away and draco decided to go for it. he leaned in, his lips ever so lightly touching hers, she didn't kiss back for a moment and so he started to pull away, completely embarrassed, but she leaned down closer to him and gently reconnected their lips.

she had kissed many boys, but it was different with draco, it wasn't rough or sloppy, it was soft and gentle, like kissing someone for the first time.

she slipped her tongue into his mouth, ever so gently, and then he rolled them over, placing himself on top and putting an arm behind her head for cushion against the hard floor.

maybe they would have gone a little farther, but quickly stopped when adrian pucey walked in the door, "holy shit." adrian mumbled, announcing his presence.

el quickly pulled away and looked up, "shit." she whispered.

draco rolled off of her and propped himself up on his elbows, "does no one read the groupchat?" he asked, looking at adrian.

"not when you talk in it." adrian shrugged.

draco scoffed.

adrian looked between the two, "wait until theo hears about this." he announced, backing out of the door and shutting it.

draco groaned, plopping back down beside her.

"i think i should probably go back to my dorm." el announced, standing up. "it's getting late, bye draco." she whispered the last part and walked over to his door, quickly turning the knob and walking out, heading through the halls back to her room.

drachoe😏💗🧚‍♀️🎣i think i might have fucked up

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i think i might
have fucked up


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