Chapter 1: The Legend

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It was a Sunny day, everypony in ponyville was having great fun Twilight was chilling in her Castle Reading a Book as Usual with Spike off cleaning Something and Starlight Glimmer Twilight's Student was Practicing Magic Somewhere in Ponyville with her Good Friend Trixie Lulamoon. Twilight was in the Throne Room when Spike walks in....

Twilight's POV:

I was reading this really good book, it was a gift from Starlight it shared many great Legends my favorite being this one called The Legends of The Great: Unicorn Range which I know isn't real The Unicorn Range is a real place, yes but this Legend is far from being true... but then I heard a knock at the door so I said come in and Spike was there

"Hey Twilight" Spike Greeted me

"Hi Spike" I said back

"What are you up to?" He asked curios 

"Oh I'm just reading this book it has this pretty interesting Legend-" before I could continue I was cut off by Spike

"Can you read it to me?" Spike said Excited I could tell


"Please Twilight..." he pleaded 

"Well okay..." Spike then sat on the Throne next to Twilights getting ready for the story "So once upon a time there was this Unicorn, she was a friend of Gusty the Great a Powerful Unicorn with mighty skills even defeating Grogar but before all that as foals they were still pretty powerful but Gusty's friend was not she was always known as being very bad at Magic her name was Light Heart thou despite her poor Magic skills she was very kind, They Both Grew up in The Unicorn Range. One Day Light Heart was out and went to a nearby pond to practice a Water spell that would Freeze the water she tried for what was at least an hour then decided to go back, she prepared her saddle bag then heard a massive Boom! She was shocked but being the curious little mare she was she went to investigate and she had found a Meteor On the Ground but... there was something off about this Meteor it was Glowing Bright Blue and she heard a voice that sounded like a young mare about the age of her now she was definitely confused"                                  [Light Heart was a very Light Pink Unicorn (kinda like Flurry Heart) with a Bright long silky light blue mane similar to Rainbow Dash's Fur Coat she had No Cutie Mark and Purple Eyes]

"Uhh H-hello? Anyone out there I promise  I won't hurt you" Light Heart said in her sweet voice then she heard another voice the same one as before 

"H-hi y-y-you won't h-hurt me right?" The voice sounded like a Young Foal who was Very Afraid with a Raspy Voice (similar do Rainbow Dash's)

"Yes, I am not hear to hurt you I just wanna help please show yourself?" Light asked in a gentle tone trying to sound as friendly as possible 

"B-but your a U-unicorn are you not?" The young mare asked fear in her voice, if you did not know all the tribes were not getting along at the moment so it was basically a Rule that no tribes should Be friends or even meet but Light Heart and Gusty believed the opposite

"Yes but I'm not like most Unicorns around hear, even if you are a different kind of Pony or Creature were all the same at heart" Light Heart said while Smiling 

"O-Okay" She said then came out from behind a nearby Tree, Light Heart saw her She was a Young little Pegasus covered with some Mud, Light Hoof smiled at the mare and decided to introduce herself. [The Mare was a Violet Purple Pegasus with a Dark Blue/Dark Purple with a stripe of Red in their Mane and Tail She also had no Cutie Mark and her Eyes were a Light Blue]

"Hi, My Name Is Light Heart but You can call me Light for Short what's your name?" She asked The Mare with a Smile, The Mare seemed very Shy but answered anyway

"H-Hi... My Names... Amethyst Flare... but People call me Flare for short..." she said in a whisper but it was loud enough for Light to hear

" Well Flare why don't you come back with me and me and my Friend Gusty will help you out!" She said Excited to finally meet a Pegasus to help some pony out who hopefully wanted her help she thought

"That would be great thank you...  But..." she paused "But What?" Light showed a small frown

"But... I'm not Unicorn are you sure your kind will except me?" Flare asked showing Concern and worry

Light thought for a moment with a frown, she knew her kind would not except any kind except Unicorns... then an idea popped in her head and her smile returned

"True, but Not if they don't know your a Pegasus " she smiled towards the mare before her

"How I'm a Pegasus I have Wings and no Horn?" Flare asked while being slightly confused

Light just smiled then said "Wait right here" then ran off, Flare was now very very confused but despite not like being alone and wanted go find her new and only "Friend" she waited, then Light came back using her Magic and was holding a Three Rocks...

Flare turned to her friend she smiled then looked up at The rocks then slightly frowned "Rocks?, how will those help?"  Flare asked 

"yes these are Rocks... For Now, I will use my magic to transform them into something" Light said proudly 

"Are you going to use them to make me look like a Unicorn or something?" Flare said by now she had no idea what her Friend was Planning"

"While most unicorns can do that... I can't..." she said while looking down "but I can turn these Objects into a Robe you can put over your Head and Wings!" She said 

"Okay..." that was all Flare Said as her new friend tried her best to use her magic on the rocks but nothing happened 

"Come on, Come on!" She said then tripped over while falling on the meteor but she didn't mind she just stood up, but now she was on top of the Meteor but when she tried the spell again the Meteor just Glowed Bright Blue causing the mares to close their eyes but when they opened them the rocks where to no more now there was now a Black robe perfectly Flares Size

"Woah, How's you do that?!" Flare asked Shocked

"I-I Don't Know... but this meteor is not a regular meteor" Light Heart said in amazement 

"I'll say This hear meteor came from the Top of that Mountain... My Mom Says the top of The Unicorn Range Mountain Called Ali-Frumentum Is Way More Magical then Unicorns Is Faster then Pegasi and Stronger Then Earth-Ponies... whatever Magic Is Up There, is Something to Powerful for any Pony... That's why I came here to discover that very Mountain but got lost, but sense I saw the meteor I followed it then met you" Flate said finishing of her tale of the Meteor and herself

"We must hid this in The Wrong Hoofs could lead to Destruction and Danger and don't worry I'll help you find your home" Light Heart said Scared

"And That's the End, Legend Says Light And Flare Were able to Hid The Great Meteor of Magic so none could find it, And Flare and Light became the best of friends and Helped many Ponies across the world... The End" Twilight said as she finally finished The tale

Wow Twilight that was quite the Tale I loved it, Do you think it's real" Spike asked thinking what would happen if this was really real

"Well I don't think so Spike A Magic Meteor coming for nowhere except The Ali-Frumentum Mountain seems like a Stretch... but you never know" Twilight thinking of how likely it was for the Story to be true the Spike interrupted her Thinking

"Twilight Look!" Spike said quite loudly but Twilight Followed his Glaze

"That's Weird..." Twilight said Surprised 

(1317 Words... (not counting this) in case you were curious I suppose anyway thank you for reading this I'm not sure we're this will be continuing from but I'll have to Think of Something bye for Now oh and tell me if you can figure out what Ali-Frumentum means if you do comment and I guess I'll put that in the next chapter if your First or I think it's first idk how comments work anyway Bye -OreosUnknown/OreoOrcas)

*DISCONTINUED* The Mystery of The Unicorn RangeWhere stories live. Discover now