Chapter 3

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He was admitted to the children's ward later that day so the doctors could begin with their tests as soon as possible. Koutarou was sitting in one of the beds in a room shared with other kids. All of them were sick, some were annoyingly young and therefore way too loud and Koutarou already knew he was going to hate this place a lot.

He rolled around in his bed, still wearing his school uniform since his parents were on their way home right now to pack for his stay and get his pajamas.

"This sucks..." he complained for the 5th time since they were here and Tetsurou only sighed.

"Well, at least you got no school for the next what, weeks? Months? Cheer up a bit, will ya."

"Fuck off. You're the worst friend ever, do you know that?" The last part was muffled, since Koutarou was currently burying his face glumly in his pillow.

"You love me" came from the other side of his bed where the black haired teen has made himself comfortable.

Yeah, maybe he did. But that was not the point right now.

"Hey, Tetsu..."


He turned around and looked up to the other teen with a serious look on his face.

"What if I really got cancer?"

The other one hesitated before pulling off a cheeky grin. "At least you got a reason then to get rid of that awful hair of yours."

Koutarou grabbed his pillow and threw it in the direction of his so called best friend, which almost made him fall out off the bed. He would've deserved it.

He muttered a comment about how Tetsurou's hair was even more of a train wreck than his own, but the other one just laughed at that.

"Hey, bro."


"I'm sure you would look hella good being bald."

"Shut up, idiot."

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