Chapter 1

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"Well, then, back to testing," Maxwell said to Midnight. Midnight didn't hear him. She was focusing on her cracked, bleeding hands. She was trying to figure out why they had cracked in the first place.

How did this happen? Midnight asked herself. "Wait..." she said aloud. "... this would only happen if I had more than two demons possessing me at once... I only had Crimson and Moon..."

"...What?" Midnight's comment had caught Maxwell's attention.

"This form can only handle about two Spiritual characters other than myself, more than two would destroy this form..." She paused and stared at her broken hands. "This doesn't make any sense! It was only Moon, Crimson, and Me...unless..." Maxwell quickly calculated everything she was saying and realized the answer.

"Red is dormant, but he's possessing you," Maxwell explained. Midnight's eyes widened in fear.

"That explains..." She muttered. She couldn't think straight anymore.

"Don't worry, he can't do anything bad in this state," Maxwell reassured. Midnight whimpered in fear. "Just try to remain calm."

"Oh yeah, because I can be so calm," Midnight said sarcastically.

"Really, there's nothing to worry about. Worst case scenario you have violent thoughts," Maxwell continued.

"Okay..." Midnight said. She was suspicious. She attempted to lift herself but winced in pain at the sudden weight on her hands. Maxwell reached into one of his pockets, removed a pack of bandages, and handed them to Midnight.

"I said those probably wouldn't help. They would just hurt... I think gloves might help," Midnight said, glancing between her hands and Maxwell. Maxwell reached into his pocket again and whipped out a pair of black rubber gloves.

"Here," Maxwell tossed the gloves onto Midnight's lap. She smiled.

"Thanks," She said as she slipped the rubber gloves on over her hands. "These should work... as long as I don't fall on my hands," Midnight grinned in amusement, attempting to lighten the mood. "Okay. I'm going to let Moon take over for a bit to see if she's okay, you cool with that?"

"Yeah, it'd be okay."

"Okay," Midnight closed her eyes as her necklace changed colors. The stripe in her hair didn't change to Moon's ashen gray, but instead, it turned jet black to match the rest of her hair. Her red and black striped dress changed to a regular white tee-shirt, black pants, knee-high gray boots, and a ripped leather jacket. It was nothing like what Maxwell had seen Midnight or Moon wear.

"Ahhh, finally," Moon sighed. Her voice didn't sound right, it was... different in some way...

"Okay, Midnight Moon, are you feeling alright?" Maxwell asked, noticing the odd change.

"Yeahhhhhhh," Moon's words dragged out like she was drifting off to sleep.

"Why did you say 'yeah' like that?" Maxwell quickly became suspicious.

"Liiiiiiike whhaaaaaaaaaaat?" Moon continued in the same tone.

"Like that," Maxwell said, facepalming himself.

"I got toooooooooo reaaaaaaaaxed..." Moon's black eyes seem to glance everywhere but at Maxwell. He noticed this and stole a look at her necklace. He remembered Midnight saying something important about the colors, something like... Cyan was Midnight's color and Dark Red was Moon's color, but when he saw the necklace, it was the same shade as her hair.

"If you're Moon, then why is your necklace black?" Maxwell questioned her. She briskly looked at the heart charm of her necklace.

"It's not black!" she pointed to the charm. "It's dark red, see?" And sure enough, Maxwell noticed the necklace wasn't black, but a crimson color. Maxwell glared at her as best he could.

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