A Simple Surprise

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Dream's heart was pounding harder than the beat of a drum. He was sprinting for his life trying to back to his house before it got dark. He ran through the dark direful forest that hugged around his home. He knew he couldn't ran much farther; time was running out. Out of the corner of his eye Dream saw a tree lit up from behind, and as he ran closer relief washed over him as he neared the front porch.  He slowed down his running trying to save the last of his energy when safety soon slipped away as he got shot in the back by a skeleton. 

"NO!" He yelled, "I can't die I'm almost home!" He said with worry in his voice. Dream was smashing the keyboard loudly, and his cries were just enough to wake his friend, Sapnap. 

Dream knew he yelled too loud when he heard the slow footsteps of his awoken friend walking towards his room. The door creaked open and Sapnap stood in the door frame of Dream's room with his arms crossed. "Hey Dream can you stop playing minecraft at 3 in the morning everyday." Sapnap said with a groggy voice. Sapnaps hair was a mess; he clearly had just gotten out of bed. 

Dream turned his chair to see his tired mess of a friend.  He felt guilty, but couldn't hide a small  grin. He was almost tempted to carry Sapnap back into bed, he just looked so tired. 

"Sorry, sorry. My addiction to minecraft is getting the better of me." Dream said with a chuckle. 

"Ok listen, dude. It wouldn't be a problem if you don't yell at the game as if it can hear you! It's impossible to sleep in this house sometimes!" Sapnap was laughing at how ridiculous the situation was. Dream couldn't help but laugh, too. To some people, Dream and Sapnap had no life. They're two friends who lived together, sleep mostly during the day, and play minecraft for hours at a time. But to them, that life was luxury. 

"Ok let me just get ready for bed." Dream said as he got up from his chair. "Oh my god my legs are jelly." He laughed through his words. 

Sapap's energy to find anything funny had worn off and he slowly returned to his room. He fell asleep before his head could even hit the pillow. Meanwhile Dream headed into bed and got some much needed rest.  

Dream woke up at 9 in the morning to Sapnap talking excessively loud. At first he wasn't sure if he was hearing this in a dream, or if it was real life. But Dream came to his senses and tried to listen in to what his friend was saying. 

"Dude this is gonna be awesome, bro! Ya don't worry about it. My buddy Dream will totally be cool with you staying here- he's a chill guy." Sapnap said holding his phone to his ear.

Dream tilted his head in confusion. What does Sapnap mean when he says I'll be 'cool' with it? Dream thought to himself. Without waiting any longer he threw on a shirt and sweatpants and dragged his feet into the kitchen of their house. Dream stood in front of Sapnap like a blob of confusion, eyeing Sapnap like he was crazy. But Sapnap ignored Dream as he continued talking to his friend over the phone. 

"Ok listen I have to go, but call me when you get here, ok? This is going to be amazing I can't wait!" He said. Sapnap bounced in excitement as he slammed the phone down looking over at Dream. 

"Dude." Sapnap said with excitement. 

"Dude?" Dream said. "No need to be quiet or anything." Dream said sarcastically. He rolled his, but quickly changed his attitude. "Ok so what's up?"

"My buddy George is coming to America! He lives in England and we met a while back online. I even got to see him when I went on a trip to England with my parents. Anyway he's moving to America and looking for a place to stay. I told him he could stay here. You're cool with that right?" Sapnap was about to explode he looked so excited. How could Dream say no? 

"Man that's awesome." Dream said with a smile. "I'm excited to meet him, I'm sure it will be fun. And I mean we have the space if he sleeps in one of our rooms I guess." Dream shrugged. 

Sapnap aggressively hugged Dream as he wiggled around with buzz. 

"Dude thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me." Sapnap raised his voice, but Dream didn't think Sapnap was aware of how much energy he was presenting. 

"Yeah I mean as long as he's cool. When is he coming? Today? Cause if so we have a shit ton to clean up." Dream pointed to the sink where week old dirty dishes towered above them. 

Sapnap nodded in agreement and said, "Ok I see your point. Let's clean up a bit. We're picking George up from the airport tonight right when his flight lands. He just boarded so we will pick him up in like 6 hours, and grab some pizza or whatever on our way home, got it?" 

"Sounds fine to me." Dream said with a smile. 

Dream was a little excited himself. Another friend in this house just meant more fun. And though he knew very little about George, he was open to any adventure the universe had for him.

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