Chapter I: The Slumbers' Awaken

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Her golden-blonde hair glowing like a halo around her head as strands wavered in the air. Her soft smile was radiant as her grass green eyes were alight with joy and happiness; the very embodiment of her nature.

The embodiment of Life; all that was and seemed to be. Tom honestly believed that if he sat there with her long enough; he'd started hearing the soft lull of the waves of the ocean somehow. She reminded him of the pictures of the Greek goddesses; he wasn't sure as to which one, since it could have been any of them.

She smiled as her eyed turned to gaze softly to his, "He is alright. He is alive thanks to you and my brother's efforts; though you are the first of you two to wake. I shouldn't think that it will be long before Harry also awakens."

Tom breathed into that sharply; it was good to know his efforts had not been in vain. Yet, his brow furrowed with confusion...he was recalling all these emotions a bit too easily.

Life studied his face and then smirked at him, "You don't understand why you are comprehending emotions?"

Tom turned to see her smirk turn to another gentle smile, "It is because your soul has been put back together and been remade anew for this to have worked. You asked my brother if giving up your horcruxes would save Harry; he gave his answer, and you decided Harry was worth letting them go for. 

While my mother and I will no longer have to watch you because of shifting emotions; you gained a great deal of power with your new soul; especially since it is attached to Harry's; though unbonded.

We will need to maintain watch as you retrain yourself; to ensure the new powers do not overwhelm you too quickly or corrupt you as you might fall back to old habits and practices that need not be done. I will be there personally at times to guide and to mentor you as will my brother.

She eyed the landscape beyond the white room in the tower, "Dark wizard or not; all people have a life to live and a purpose to serve. We may not see nor understand those purposes, but lives should never be taken without undue pause and consideration. You are never beyond redemption, and dark wizards still need white magic to aid them.

Time has allowed to much change; and not always for something more grand or better."

Tom nodded silently to this as he considered something, "I probably should not ask since I believe I remember being told prior to the slumber that this would be unlikely...but, is there a chance that I might be able to see Harry before he leaves with Death for wherever they go?"

Life's eyes dulled and Tom sighed; he knew a no when he saw one.

"Unfortunately, that is not possible." She said, "Even if I were able to go to where they bring you along with me would destroy you. Your body and all; this would then be for nothing. Death moved Harry to somewhere more suited to his own recovery after he moved you here when your magic was no longer needed to fuel the rite and such."

"And because you are not...not attuned to the magic of the netherworld like Harry is and always has been; the oppressive magic there would not hesitate to destroy what it sees as an invader. Especially because you are living flesh in a world where such is not meant to be or to exist; Harry is the only exception."

Tom rose a brow, "Are you saying that Harry can or could become a Necromancer?"

Life rose a brow now, "That would depend on how you are defining a person who practices such arts. Harry very well could become someone who is seen as such; yet there are those who utilized the arts in ways my brother doesn't agree with.

Most necromancers who live currently are in that category."

Tom quirked his lips at her, "That both did and also did not answer my question, dear lady."

Choices Without RegretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora