suddenly, it dawns on me that i probably could do that. i begin to feel as if i may be acting creepy, we only met today. she was so different and interesting that i ended up letting my fascination get the best of me. i dont have the privilege of this kind of thing, i would scare her away. i think back to what futakachi said about her having clips from her games on her instagram. i want to continue watching her play, watcher her break past blockers like that. she was amazing at what she did, her spikes reminded me of oikawas and that was a compliment not many received. i am most definitely not a sexist, but god i didnt think a girl could spike like that! i admire how she plays, and i wouldnt mind getting to learn more about her.

youve gotta remember aone, shes different. she wasnt scared of me then and she wont be scared of me now, just follow her you big coward! i internally yell at myself. i tilt my head up and look around to make sure nobody is watching and will think im stalking her. i quickly go to the search bar and look up y/n l/n while my heart lightly pounds in my chest. her profile is the one that pops up first.


the username made me smile lightly to myself, she really is cute isnt she? her profile pic was of her holding up a peace sign and sticking her tongue out. she looked good, the picture seemed reacent. i nervously clicked the profile and saw her bio

18 years old
resident wing spiker😎 i can break past any block and any wall 🤠
the swaggiest person you will ever meet!

it was so very her, she really was so bright. she reminded me of the sun, the way she never failed to brighten things up, even when she was nervous. i looked at the follow button and hovered over it nervously.
its not too late to turn back! what if she gets nervous? thinks youre stalking her?

but what if she doesnt? what if she thinks its sweet? do it already!
i close my eyes and press the button, immidiately regret settling in my stoumach. i gulp down the fear of making her uncomfortable and look at some of her posts. her most recent was from a few months ago, and it was a couple of pictures of her, selfies. my face heated a little at the pictures, you really would have to be blind to not think shes cute. futakachi was right, but im nothing like futakachi, and probably will never ever comment on it. i scroll down and see a few clips from some of her games.

i look back up and around to see the teacher has yet to arrive, everybody is still chatting to themselves and futakachi as scrolling on his phone. i look back down at my phone and click play, seeing her serve the ball towards the opposite court. from the looks of it she is playing karasunos team and they have a fairly impressive libero that digs up the serve. she runs into court and makes eye contact with the setter for a moment, than runs to one side of the net, two blockers following. last second she jumps a few feet to the left and jumps up off the ground, spiking the ball down HARD and falling back onto her feat as the ball smacks the gym floor with a BOOM. she does a little happy dance in place and the video ends.

i watch over again a couple of times, taking in the clip and whats going on. she really was quite an impressive player. i swiped to the next clip, excited to see what she would do next.

in this clip the blockers are heat synched onto her, shes extremely focused, glaring intimidatingly. it was obvious she wasn't glaring on purpose, thats just how determined she was. she jumps up and cocks her arm back to swing, the blockers following suit. as the ball reaches her hand, she smacks the ball as hard as she can, but goes for a cross court shot instead. the blockers are forced to watch as the ball flies across and lands perfectly inside the bounds, smacking the floor once again. when she reaches the court she does a little dance again, but the blockers start scowling at her angrily.

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