(2) volleyball club

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     i stepped into the school with aone on my mind, i sank in contemplation of how i could spend more time with him, walking towards what seemed to be the office area. date tech was a very very big school, with high ceilings and tiled floor. the girls and guys at the school wear the uniform with decent amounts of pride, date tech was a good school. the winter uniform for the girls and boy had the pale green sweater with a white button up in common, the guys having a different tie than the girls, and instructed to tie it differently. my tie was a mint green color while the mens ties were a deeper, forest green. i stood out a lot for my first day, which was absolutely not my intention. i stared down in an attempt to avoid eye contact with anybody, praying nobody recognized me from the nekoma volleyball team. i walked calmly through the main entrance area, where i was immidiately presented with a large open area with a grand staircase, and an office looking area nearby. looking around i realized you could see the cafeteria from here, and to my delight the gym. the gym was a separate building and was absolutely massive, my skin crawled with excitement, the thoughts of having a gym that big to play in making me very excited.

i pushed open the office doors and am greeted by a medium sized room with two large desks separating the room into two halfs, a door between the desks that allowed passage further to what i assumed was the principles office and whatnot. looking at the two ladies behind the desks nervously, i glaced at the signs above them, one saying "attendance" and the other "student services"

completely lost on which to go to i sheepishly step towards the nicer looking lady of the two, the student services lady. she is staring at the computer in front of her and typing away quickly, presumably having not noticed me. her hair was red and she seemed young, maybe 20's or early 30's, her lipstick was bright red and her eyes were a very light blue color, they reminded me of aones. hers were less striking, a tad more inviting. i lightly tapped a fingernail against the counter to get her attention and she turned up to me, her eyes widening and the glasses at the bridge of her nose falling a tad further down, before she shoved them further up. she frowned apologetically before rolling her chair over to me, and in a sweet southern accent asking
"hey there sweetheart, ill be just a second is that okay?"
she could clearly tell i was very nervous in this new environment and spoke softly as to not spook me like an orphaned kitten. i smile sheepishly, nodding to her.

she takes that as an okay and wheels back over to her computer, focusing intently on what she was typing. i took this chance to check out her desk and look for a name anywhere. my eyes scanned over her cluttered desk, seeing pictures of her and another woman, holding a golden retriever in both of their arms and laughing. that's adorable. i keep looking and find a bunch of scrunchies, an eyelash curler, stack upon stack of papers, her cellphone case was clear and had a picture of her dog and what i'm assuming is her wife. in my search i noticed a name plate that said
a. kiyori and a bowl of werthers caramel candies. i look to make sure she is distracted and curiously grab one of the candies from the bowl, putting it in my mouth.
ayo, that is delicious i think to myself. the flavor coated my mouth and i peaked my head over to check that she was distracted again and grabbed a massive fistful of the candies, shoving them in a pocket of my bag. thats gonna be way worth the risk later when im bored in class and can pop a delicious candy in my mouth. suddenly, im struck with the idea that maybe i can catch aone on the train ride home and offer him one of the delicious candies. i smile to myself happily at the comforting thought.

"okay sweetheart, whatcha need?" mrs Kiyori asks me sweetly, still being very careful with me. i look at her and quietly say
"today is my first day, im new, the principle told the that i should ask to see him when i got here so he could talk to me about some thing? also cute dog"
she listens intently and smiles widely at the mention of her dog, her very white and straight teeth shining brightly. she looks at me fondly and says
"thank you! me and the missus just got him a few days ago! he's a pure bred golden and we still haven't decided on a name for him"
her eyes meet mine and her face flashes as she visibly contemplates something, before a moment later she starts speaking again
"you seem like a sensible and trustworthy kid, were stuck between the names Ponyo and Totoro, which would you go with?"

love notes and iron walls (aone takanobu x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora