(1) the morning train

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          at 6:30 am i awoke from my slumber, laying on my side, my legs in either direction, my face pressed against my pillow, and my arms clutching my dinosaur stuffed animal. my alarms intrusive beeping bounced around my skull momentarily before it clicked in my head that i had the option to silence its intrusive ringing.

       sighing i rolled over and pressed the "stop" button on my alarm, perhaps a little bit violently. i rip myself from my comfortable sheets only to be assaulted by the cold, slapping me in the face and bringing the familiar stinging sensation on my legs. i highly dislike the cold, so of course with my luck i started school in the winter. i managed to stand on my own two feet for a moment before putting on my school uniform.

skirts in freaking winter i internally grumble. the most they gave me was thermal thigh highs. what the hell am i going to do with this 😐 my ass is still out in case you havent noticed. i slipped the thermal thigh highs on and immidiately realised why they only gave us said thigh highs. they were actually very cozy and warm, as well as being fairly cute. the skirt was black as well and the tops we were given for winter were a white long sleve button up and a pale green sweater to wear over it, as well as a mint green tie. as im slipping everything in i go to tie the tie around my neck

and in that moment it dawns on me

... how the hell do you wear a tie?

i tried doing something simple, hoping maybe it would look fine, but to no avail. than i tried just tying a knot? nope, not that either. so i resort to my last ditch effort, and go on youtube to find a tutorial on how to tie a freaking tie.

sitting on my bed staring at the mirror on the wall next to it, i fiddled with the tie and realised very vital information. 1. i was going to be late for my train, and 2. i would absolutely suck at being a boy scout.

in a panic i do the only thing i know how to do and tie a small bow tie instead, the strings hanging down being really freaking long, but screw it, thats kinda cute anyways.

i quickly shove all my stuff into my bag, than grab my charger, earbuds, and phone before going down stairs. immediately i notice the smell in the air and am frozen in place, alcohol? at 6:45 am?

i quietly walk through the house, trying my very hardest not to make a noise to alert my mother and father that i was even there. after the events at nekoma me and my parents have a rocky relationship, we often avoid eachother at all costs, conversations yet to be had that we are all willing to ignore for as long as we can, until it festers like a wound.

for context, i used to be one of the star players on nekomas female volleyball team, i was a wing spiker and the vice captain. i was known for my ability to maneuver around blockers or break directly through them with my force. i was in my second year when it happened.

!!tw, sexual assault!!

the coach of the girls team was different than that of the boys team, a younger man, around 36. yuri kaisuu. one day he came into the locker rooms while i was changing and made some disgusting advances on me, and when i tried to tell the other girls, not a single one of them believed me, leaving me to deal with the aftermath on my own. i almost immidiately quit the team, and upon being grilled for it by my parents, i told them what had happened. it turns out, coach kaisuu had been a close friend of my fathers. they immidiately withdrew me from nekoma and we moved away, we have spoke nothing of the matter since than

but thats not what i want you to focus on, because thats not who i am. i am plenty of things and not one of them has to do with what he did, and today i start a new life.

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