Chapter 14: Christmas as a Riddle (Bean's POV)

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I woke up to the sound of soft snoring and the weight of an arm resting around my waist. I closed my eyes again, pulling the blankets up to my chin, and snuggling into the warm comfort of the bed. I smiled and took a deep breath, breathing in the scent of my surroundings; the smoky wood fire from the fireplace, the soft smell of the sheets I was wrapped in, the pine smell of the man lying next to me. 

I felt movement next to me as Tom began to stir. I turned around to face him and he opened his eyes slowly, yawning. 

"Good morning, love." He said quietly, leaning over to kiss me. 

"Good morning." I smiled, kissing him back.

Tom put his arms around me and I snuggled into his embrace, wrapping my arms around his waist. We laid there for a few minutes, neither of us quite ready to get up. There was a knock on the door, but neither Tom nor I responded. Another knock, and no response from either of us. There was yet another knock on the door, followed by the sound of a young girl. 

"Mum! Dad! May I come inside please?" 

I looked at Tom and laughed. "I suppose we ought to wake up now," I said, grinning. 

"It is Christmas," Tom replied, kissing me again. "Happy Christmas *Eden Elena Riddle."

"Happy Christmas dear," I laughed, sitting up. "Come in, Historia dear."  

Our lovely daughter, Historia walked into the room. She climbed onto our bed and sat at the foot, grinning. 

"Happy Christmas mum, happy Christmas dad!" she said. Tom and I each wished her a happy Christmas and told her to go and get ready for breakfast. She left, singing Christmas carols to herself, and smiling. 

At the breakfast table, later that morning, our house-elf Myrta was bustling around, serving up breakfast. 

"Good morning and happy Christmas Myrta!" Historia said cheerfully, pulling out a chair and sitting down. 

"Good morning," Myrta replied, smiling shyly. Myrta is very sweet, though very shy as well - she only really speaks to Historia, however she does speak when spoken to by others. 

I looked up as a door opened and saw our son, Alexander walk in. 

"Good morning mum, good morning father," he said, sitting down next to his sister. 

"Good morning Alexander, dear," I smiled, "Happy Christmas." 

Alexander smiled cheerfully, "Happy Christmas." 

Tom nodded Alexander's way and I elbowed him slightly under the table.

"Er, happy Christmas, Alexander," he said. I nodded to myself, content, and focused my attention back on the children.

"So, later today, we're going to the Malfoy's house for dinner," I said, smiling. Historia quickly looked up from her breakfast.

"Really?" she asked excitedly, "That's wonderful! I haven't seen Andromeda or Hera for much too long." Alexander laughed a little.

"Oh, and what exactly is so funny?" Historia asked haughtily. Alexander grinned cheekily in reply.

"It's not as if you haven't seen Andromeda in ages. You saw her only a few days ago at the train station in Hogsmeade, and you spent the entire train ride with her." Alexander said, laughing. Historia rolled her eyes and huffed.

"Maybe so, but I haven't seen Hera for months," she said, pouting slightly.

"Alright, alright, fine," Alexander said, "You have a fair point there." 

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