me_a wandering soul

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My staning life was a mess...
I wanted to be someone's fandom..but just like the title I was a wandering soul...too many idols and bands and songs.....
And myself a
too bc in my drama world..😭

Let's give me a name::~CRAZY FROZEN~how is it???? 😅

I was like searching for my pearl ring in the sea...

whenever I hear a new  song l lookup the band and I'm like ""yeah,its your band...lets start staning..""
But my mind was like:-
"bitch please it's not yours..."
Then I start moving on..

It's not a novel or any fiction...I felt like share my life as fan girl...😇(poor international fangirl who has noway to see her bias for real😭)
I'll be coming soon with the rest of the story of CRAZYFROZEN😅

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