Chapter 11: That's Weird.

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"Jack." said Ellie coming in the bullpen.
"Can we-can we talk?"
"Yeah of course."
"I'm pregnant. It's from Rogero. I'm getting an abortion. He raped me and now I'm carrying my boyfriend's step sibling. It's so fucked up."
"That's- weird."
"No kidding Jack."
"Sorry but- woah it's really messed up. My advice for you is to go to a support group."
"For what? Girls who's been raped by their boyfriend's dad and got pregnant? I don't think it's a thing."
"No, one for girls who've been raped."
"Yeah probably..."
"When are you getting the abortion?"
"What does Nick think about it?"
"I don't know. He keeps saying it's gonna be okay but I don't know... Jack... With Jake we've tried. For months. And nothing. And this guy rapes me and boom! A little- thing happens."
"Yeah... Ellie, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna continue therapy. Maybe couple therapy for you and Nick. It's gonna be long. But you're gonna get through it. With our help. Is Nick coming with you for the abortion?"
"I don't know... Like I said, he kept saying 'it's okay'... Maybe it's not okay. Well, it's probably not and- oh my god!"
"Gibbs- do I have to tell Gibbs? And my parents? What do I tell them?"
"You don't have to say anything to anyone. It's your body, and it's your story. You make your own choice."
"I'll tell Gibbs. But not my parents. Not yet at least."
"Okay, do you want me to be there with you when you tell him?"
"No, I'll- I'll pass by his house tonight. Thanks Jack."
"No problem Ellie. And remember. I'm here, we're all here."
"I wanna tell Tim too. He's been there with me for so much. I just- I want to tell him."

Ellie went to her place where Nick was waiting.
"Can I come with you tomorrow?"
"For the abortion?"
"Yeah. I just feel like it's all my fault and I want to be there for you. To be there with you."
She started tearing up.
"What did I say? Why are you crying? I-what-"
"I'm so sorry Nick."
"For everything. You're so sweet and I'm doing all of this and-"
"None of this is your fault El. I'm with you for everything."
"Can I tell McGee and Gibbs?"
"Yeah of course. Whatever makes you feel better."

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