While mom went to the inn, Rory to the church to talk to Lane, I decided to go to Luke's.

I got there pretty soon since you can get anywhere in five minutes in this town and got in, sitting on the bar stool and watching as Jess did his job as a waiter wonderfully

"will you just sit there, order something, or help?" Jess asked going behind the counter "will I get paid if I help?" I asked "I guess," he said "okay," I said getting up and getting a plate from the counter and giving it to Cesar while Jess said they needed ham "I'll buy the bloody ham" I said "then go quick, that lady looks like she'll come here and eat me any second" Jess said and I nodded, getting some money to buy the ham from the tip jar.

Right when I was going to leave, Taylor came in saying something about him being the candy man "for fuck's sakes" I mumbled and looked at the door, that was behind some random chick in strange clothes, she had come in with Taylor. "out" I said and she just looked scared and moved to stand next to Taylor, I got out and practically ran to the market, I got all the ham I knew I could take and pay. unfortunately, I had to go through Dean to get out.

I went to him and just put the ham on the checkout counter in front of Dean, who glared at me, I just rolled my eyes at him "aren't you vegetarian?" he asked "the customers at luke's arent, dumbass" I said and he glared at me again, putting the ham in a paper bag "9.50" he said and I paid him before getting the bag and going back at Luke's

I got in Luke's "we're out of ham-" Jesse was saying to Luke "here" I said giving him the ham "thanks" he said giving it to Ceaser "-Ceasar suddenly decided to join the slow-food movement, and I've got a guy who's moved in at a table for four, he just sits, making it impossible for me to turn over that table, that cuts way back on my tips" Jess said and I sighed "I'm sorry, don't you mean my tips?" Luke asked "also, will I have to pay you for that?" Luke asked me, talking about the ham "I got it from the tips, but you'll pay me for basically working here" I said and he sighed 

"what?" Jess asked, about the tips "you know where I was this morning?" Luke asked "no" "I was at Kyle's. His parents called me" Luke said and I immediately grabbed the coffee jar and went to Kirk's table "want coffee?" he only nodded and I poured the coffee for him "anyone wants coffee?" I basically screamed and about four people raised their hands, so I gave coffee to all of them except to the guy who was at the table for four "if you want the coffee, you're going to a table for two or to the bar stools" I told him and he sighed but moved to a table for two, then I poured the coffee to him

I saw Jess storm out to the back and went back to the balcony "Dean did start it" I said to Luke "not you too" "he punched Jess first" "Robin" he said in a warning tone and ran out the door yelling something about a wallet, I just kept working.

Later that day, mom and Rory were in the living room talking about skirts while I was getting myself some ice cream, Rory went into our room, I hear mom talking to grandma before the phone started ringing again "it's for you!" mom yelled and I put the ice cream box back in the fridge before getting my ice cream and going to the living room.

I picked up the phone "hey grams" I said "Robin! it's so good to talk to you" she said "I called you two days ago, grandma" I said chuckling a bit, mom just stood up and went to the kitchen

"I know, but I'm glad to talk to you again. Anyway, have you talked to Logan recently?" she asked and I laughed and rolled my eyes "yes, I have, why do you want to know?" "you know why I want to know, Robin. I suppose you two are 'hitting it off'?" she asked "yeah, grandma, we are, but I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you" "how do you want me not to? you are with a Huntzberger for god's sakes" "I'm not with Logan, grandma, we are friends, that's it." I said, "for now." "you don't know that" "I'm guessing. and when you two prove me right, remember I knew it," she said and I sighed

"okay grandma, I'll see you later then, do you want to talk to Ror?" I asked "yes, I do, goodbye Robin," she said and I went to mine and Rory's room before giving the phone to Rory.

The next day, we went to Fran's funeral, it was pretty sad, but mum and Sookie were just really hoping to get the dragonfly inn, they were sad too, but the inn was more important.

the rest of the day, I just basically hang out with Jess, at night, after Luke was done screaming at him, Jess told me he had to leave. He told me what he was planning to do and where he was planning to go, I wasn't sure if it was a good idea, but I supported him, I wasn't sure if Luke would end up letting Jess keep living with him, so Jess needed the support.

Jess asked me to not tell anyone, not even Rory, I told him that might not be a good idea, but he insisted on it so I agreed. 

I said goodbye to him and it felt like our last goodbye or something, I don't want to lose my best friend, but it's not my choice to make. If he isn't with luke, his plan will have to do. 

I hugged him before I left, I'm not sure but I think it was the first (and probably last) time I ever hugged him as a friend. I'll miss him, and I hope he'll be okay, all I can do to him is offer my support and tell him that he can call me whenever, so that's what I did.

I got up in the morning, it was Monday, the shittiest day ever, and today it was even shittier. I put on my Chilton uniform and went to the kitchen, mom and Rory were already there, we wouldn't eat breakfast at Luke's, good for me.

They were talking about Kirk being pinned by the casket when I sat down and got some breakfast for myself, it was Luke's food, obviously.

I checked my phone and saw that there was a missed call from Logan, I'll have to call him later.

Then Rory ripped the picture from the paper, it had to go to the fridge.

After breakfast, Rory and I went to the bus station and quickly got on a bus, I hate busses, but Grandma told me she'll buy me a car when I get to college so I can visit her more and go to college easier. 

We were both reading on the bus when a bunch of people got out, Rory looked at the back of the bus so I did too, and Jess was there, I decided I wouldn't talk to him, he was probably on his way to leave and not come back for some time, (if he's ever coming back) and I already said goodbye to him.

Rory got up and went to sit next to him, I just went back to reading my book until our stop came and we both got out, poor Rory.


-2020 words-

A/N: okay, so I'm 2 days late, but at least the new chapter is here! I hope you liked it, I tried to make it bigger than normal and I guess it worked so I really hope you liked it. I know there's not much Robin-and-Logan stuff, but I really liked writing the parts that they interacted. (basically only the call, but still) And I guess this chapter wasn't supposed to be just Logan, Jess is leaving and I really wanted to have a few more moments between Robin and him before he left. Anyway, I'm rambling. I'll also put a comment and vote goal in this chapter as I did in the last one, so please comment a lot, since some of you already vote.

vote goal: 15

comment goal: 8


𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘕𝘰𝘵? - 𝙻𝚘𝚐𝚊𝚗 𝙷𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚣𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now