A Powerful Woman

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If looks could kill, you'd be dead by now. 

My name is Sandra Wesson and I'm the CEO of a large tech business. 

My crimson and licorice colored nine inch high heels shimmered, as I scampered across the parking lot. The aroma of that new shoe smell, sent shivers all over my body. The triangular point at the toes of my high heels, made me feel powerful. No one could touch me in these heels. 

"I am a powerful woman" I thought. My ivory colored dress paired perfectly with these high heels. I strutted into the office, the piercing thud of my high heels made everyone's head turn. 

The fragrant floral scent of my perfume made my coworkers envious. Knowing that they all feared me, that I am the boss, made me feel exhilarated. My assistant Kelly Powers brought my cappuccino to me, the rich aroma of caramel and espresso made me smile. I took a sip. The bold coffee taste and sweetness of caramel made me feel happy. 

 I sat down at my desk, feeling the leather chair against my legs. The leather felt smooth and satiny. Grabbing my favorite pen, I began to sign documents. I ran my finger across the bottom of the paper, feeling the indent of my pen against the smooth paper. 

Looking out the massive office window, I saw a turquoise colored bird. I watched as it flew towards a tree, to it's nest I assumed, to take care of it's baby birds. I walked through the hallway making sure everyone was on task. The minty smell of someone's chewing gum, made me want mint chocolate chip ice cream. 

Darting to the break room, I opened the freezer door and grabbed my tub of Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream. I took a scoop of ice cream, and placed it in my bowl. Grabbing the biggest spoon, I put it in my bowl too, and whisked back to my office. I sat down at my desk and began to eat my ice cream. The frigid mint and chocolate flavor sent my taste buds on a frenzy. 

After my bowl was empty, I called my assistant to come and get my bowl. I heard the ringing of my office telephone, so I reached down to answer it. I didn't recognize the number. I heard my baristas voice and wondered how he acquired my number. Come to find out, he was interested in me. I put the phone down and felt that my hands were all sticky.

 There suddenly was a boisterous squeal coming from the conference room. I bolted to the conference room and saw my assistant laying dead on the carpeted floor. "Sucks for whoever has to clean up this mess," I thought. 

I asked if I could be alone with my former assistant for a moment. Once everyone left I shut the door and closed the blinds. I knelt down and pulled the knife out of her chest. I licked the blood off the knife, it tasted bittersweet and harsh. I opened the door and told everyone to go ahead and go home due to this tragedy. 

When everyone left, I covered my hands in the blood. The crimson colored blood felt warm, and smooth like silk. My hands drenched in blood slowly began to dry and turn sticky. I grabbed the plastic sheet in the corner of the room. It made a crinkling and rustling sound as I laid the plastic sheet on the floor. Grabbing the side of my assistants stomach, I rolled her onto the sheet. After I wrapped her inside, I took duck tape and wrapped it around the plastic sheet to seal it off.

 I began to grow thirsty so I went into the break room and grabbed myself a ice cold Cherry Vanilla Pepsi. Taking a gulp I felt the bubbles from the carbonation in my mouth, the sweet taste of cherries blended with the sugary taste of vanilla made me feel exhilarated.

 I put her in a suitcase, one that had wheels. I finished cleaning up the blood, and made sure to leave the room spotless. Taking her body to the elevator was a huge hassle. I didn't realize she weighed so much. I walked out with the suitcase like it was no big deal. Opening the trunk of my car, I put the suitcase in the trunk. I hopped in my car and drove to my assistants house.

 I made sure to put on gloves, I had her house key in hand. I unlocked the door then I opened the trunk of my car and grabbed the suitcase. I dragged the suitcase into the house, unzipped it and unwrapped her, then I laid her body on the kitchen floor. I put the knife back in her chest. Then I put the plastic sheet in the suitcase and zipped it back up. 

Before I left I made sure to break the door knob, making it look like a forced entry. I hopped back in my car and drove off. 

When I got home I called the police and told them that it sounded like someone was trying to break into my assistant's house. I went ahead and drew myself a bath, as I soaked in the tub, I thought to myself "Who should I kill next?"

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